
Showing posts from November, 2013

Musical Auditions - POSTPONED

Due to today's school cancellation, the second day of musical auditions will take place on Tuesday, December 3rd, starting at 3:15.  Please contact Mr. Luxbacher if you cannot attend that day.

Musical Auditions - November 26th - CANCELLED

Musical Auditions scheduled for 3:15 today have been cancelled.  We will reschedule for tomorrow at the same time.  In the event of weather cancellation tomorrow, we will reschedule for Tuesday, December 2nd at 3:15.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Trinity Concert - TODAY!

A Cappella Choir, Rhapsody in Blues, and the Women's and Men's Quartets proudly present their annual Thanksgiving  Concert today at noon at Trinity UMC.  We will be paying tribute to the Oil City Kiwanis Club and Dr. James Schwab.  Concert is free and open to the public.

This Week Reminders

A few reminders for this week: Permission slips for A Cappella's trip to Trinity are due TODAY Musical auditions are today an tomorrow, starting at 3:15 After School Rehearsals this week: Monday - Radical Rhythm and Long and Short, Tuesday, 4Ward On!, Wednesday - District Chorus

Choirmaster Results 2013

Congratulations to the 2013-2014 Choirmasters! Concert Choir: Nick Dobson and Cameron Whitling Women's Choir: Brooke Kellogg A Cappella Choir: Amber Culver and Jenny Williams

Holiday Tour Permission Slips

Permission Slips for A Cappella Choir's Holiday Performances are now available on the choir website.  Download and sign at the link below:


Auditions for this year's musical, Guys and Dolls will take place next Monday and Tuesday, November 25th and 26th, starting at 3:15.  Information and audition materials can be found at:

Choirmaster/Choirmistress Audition Information

To help prepare those who are interested for next week's Choirmaster/Choirmistress Auditions, the page below has been set up under High School Choir News on Mr. Luxbacher's teacher page with all of the information and media files: There will be a meeting Thursday, November 14th during 4th period for all who are interested in auditioning.

This Week - Week of 11/11/2013

Good luck to the Marching Band tomorrow for the Veteran's Day Parade, and to all of the Football Team, Cheerleaders, and Band for the playoff game Friday night in Erie! Musical Auditions are Coming in Two weeks! Information will be coming out regarding auditions, audition materials, as well as sign ups for times and dates. Choirmaster Auditions are Next week.  Interested students should plan to attend a meeting Thursday this week during 4th period to go over conducting patterns and discuss expectations. After School Rehearsals This Week Monday - Long and Short of It 2:40 - 3:15; District Chorus 2:40 - 3:40 Tuesday - 4Ward On! 2:40 - 3:15 Wednesday - Radical Rhythm and Long and Short of It 2:40 - 3:15 Thursday - 4Ward On! 2:40 - 3:!5 Friday - Radical Rhythm and Long and Short of It 2:40 - 3:15 Performances this Week: Saturday - Radical Rhythm Performance at Allegheny Sounds Fall Show 7:30 pm Debence Music Museum Sunday - Radical Rhytthm Performance at Alleghen...


To give everyone enough time to prepare for the interviews, I have decided to move Choirmaster/mistress interviews to the week of November 18th.  In addition, I would like to invite any students interested in auditioning to attend a brief class on Thursday, November 14th during 4th period grad project.  See me for a pass.  Interviews will follow same format as before with the addition of conducting an excerpt of music.  See me with questions.

Choirmaster Auditions

Interviews for Choirmaster/Choirmistress for Concert, Women's, and A Cappella Choir will take place the week of November 11 th .  Interested parties should reserve a time with Mr. Luxbacher sometime during that week.  Available times are 4 th period Thursday, 6 th period, and 10 th period. Interviews will consist of singing a selection of the concert music a cappella (Alma Mater), conducting a piece of recorded (Set Me As A Seal) and live music (National Anthem), as well as answering a few interview questions.  It should not take any longer than 10-15 minutes. Final Results should be ready by Friday, November 15 th . Position Description: The position of student choirmaster/mistress will be decided by an  audition/interview process, in which students will demonstrate their ability to conduct, sing, and successfully answer questions regarding leadership. One Choirmaster/Mistress will be chosen for each choir.  Student Choirmasters/mistresses wi...

After school rehearsals this week

Monday: Radical Rhythm and Treblemakers: 2:40 - 3:15 Tuesday: 4ward On!:  2:40 - 3:15 Wednesday: Radical Rhythm and Treblemakers: 2:40 - 3:15 Thursday: 4ward On!: 2:40 - 3:15 Friday: District Chorus: 2:40 - 3:45 Leadership will not meet this week.

Club's Choice Pickup

Reminder that Club's Choice Fundraiser Pickup is tomorrow (Saturday, November 2nd), starting at 10:00 in the high school cafeteria.  All items must be picked up between 10 and noon that morning.