
Showing posts from December, 2013


Congratulations to the Oil City Middle and High School Bands and Choirs for a series of excellent Holiday Concerts.  You have much to be proud of, and we are very proud of you!  Have a great holiday break!

High School Holiday Concert - Wednesday, December 18th

After cancelling due to weather, Oil City High School Music Department is proud to present its 2013 Holiday Concert Wednesday, December 18th, at 7:30 pm in the High School Auditorium.  Admission is a canned good or non-perishable food item.

Concert Dress - Wednesday's HS Holiday Concert

There's been some questions about dress for Wednesday Night's concert, especially with members who are in Band and A Cappella.  Here is what you need to wear: Concert Choir: Black and White.  Ties for Men, Scarves optional for women Women's Choir:  Dress Clothes Under the Robes Long and Short of It: Black Dresses 4Ward On!: Black with Red Ties Rhapsody in Blues: Formal Uniform (Blacks and Blues) Concert Band: Band Uniforms (A Cappella Members who are in Concert Band will wear their band uniforms under the robes, and will not need dress clothes) 5 Day A Cappella: Dress Clothes Under the Robes See Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.

HS Holiday Concert

Due to the weather, and the iffiness of the backroads and sidestreets, we have decided to postpone this evening's holiday concert until Wednesday, December 18th at 7:30 pm. 

High School Holiday Concert

As of right now, tonight's holiday concert is still on for a 7:30 start (report time for performers is 6:45).  A decision will be made at 6:00 should we need to postpone. Information will be posted on the choir and band social media pages.

HS Holiday Concert 2013

The Annual High School Holiday Concert will take place tomorrow night (Saturday, December 14th) at 7:30 pm in the high school auditorium.  Admission is a canned good or non-perishable food item which will be donated to local charities.  The concert will also be live streamed at  Click OCASDTV to access the stream.  Report time for choirs is 6:45 pm.

Choir Tours - Friday, December 13th

Here is the final plan for Friday’s choir tours: Concert and Women’s Choirs will be excused after morning announcements on Friday for the elementary tour.  Students are responsible for seeing teachers for any missed work, and may make up any in class assignments on the following Monday during their choir period.  Students will be out of school from period 1 (7:40) to the beginning of period 7, with the plan to return at approximately 11:50.  Any student who is scheduled for lunch periods 5 and 6 will eat 7th. Members of A Cappella Choir, Rhapsody in Blues, and Quartets will be dismissed at the end of period 7 (12:28) for their performance at the Belle Lettres Club.  Students again are responsible for seeing teachers for any missed work, and may make up any in class assignment on the following Monday during their choir period. Students will be out of school from period 8 to the beginning of period 10, with the plan to return at approximately 2:05....

Dress Rehearsal - Thursday, December 12th

Reminder that all members of the high school band and choirs will rehearse for Saturday night's holiday concert tomorrow, Thursday, December 12th, during period 4.  Choir members should report immediately at the end of period 3 to their surround positions (A Cappella - Front Risers, Women's Choir - Rear Processional positions, Concert Choir - Sides (we will go over in the morning)).  You should be back in class by the beginning of 5th period.


Congratulations to the Oil City Middle School 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Bands, and the 7th and 8th Grade Choruses for an excellent performance this evening.  Much for which to be proud!

Rehearsal/Performance Schedule this Week

Monday: Long and Short of It and Radical Rhythm: 2:40 - 3:15 MS Holiday Concert: 7:00 (Report Time 6:30) Tuesday: 4Ward On!  2:40 - 3:15 Wednesday: Long and Short of It and Radical Rhythm: 2:40 - 3:15 Rhapsody in Blues and Quartets at Golden Living Center Christmas Party 7:00 (Report: 6:45) Thursday: HS Combined Rehearsal Period 4 4Ward On! 2:40 - 3:15 Friday: A Cappella Choir/Rhapsody in Blues/Quartet Tour - All Day District Chorus 2:40 - 3:40 4Ward On! Performance at Westbury in Meadville - Meet at School @5:30 Saturday: HS Holiday Concert 7:30 (Report Time 6:45)

Holiday Concert Live Stream

Both Middle School and High School Holiday Concerts this week will be broadcast live via OCASDTV's UStream. MS Stream will begin Monday night at 7:00 and the HS Stream will begin Saturday at 7:30.  You can access the live stream at the following location:

Guys and Dolls - Cast List

          Cast list for Guys and Dolls has been posted to the Choir Website.  IF YOU AUDITIONED FOR THE SHOW, AND YOUR NAME DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE CAST LIST BELOW SOMEWHERE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP! We will start rehearsals on Friday afternoon, January 3   rd , from 3:15 to 5:30 p.m.  We will hand out scripts and music that day, as will read through the scripts and listen to as much of the show music as possible.  It is important that you be there for this rehearsal.  Please let me know if you will be unable to attend.  Also,   IF YOUR CONFLICTS HAVE CHANGED OR ARE NO LONGER ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SHOW, LET ME KNOW ASAP !!!     Full rehearsal schedule will be placed online as soon as all possible, and will be available on the choir website.  Link to cast list is below:

Holiday Concert Narrators

Looking for at least two Seniors to serve as narrators for the Holiday Concert.  Let Mr. Luxbacher know by end of the day Friday if you are interested.

Musical Auditions - Final Chance!

The Final Day of Musical Auditions will take place Tuesday, December 3rd, starting at 2:45 in the high school choir room.  Any student who has not auditioned should do so at this time.  Students from Venango Catholic should arrive as soon as possible, and we will put you into the rotation.  See Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Schedule for this Week: December 3, 2013

This is crunch time, everyone.  The goal is by the end of this week to have everything performance ready for the concerts next week.  Here is the afterschool schedule for this week: Tuesday: Musical Auditions: 2:45 - 5:30 (VC Students - get to OCHS as soon as you can after school.  We will put you in once you get here.) No 4Ward On Rehearsal - see if you can stay a little later on Thursday (3:30 or 3:40?) or we will cancel district chorus Friday if need be. Wednesday: Radical Rhythm and Long and Short: 2:45 - 3:15 Thursday: 4Ward On!: 2:45 - 3:40 Friday: Cast list for musical posts! Leadership: 2:40 - 3:00 (Discuss Holiday Concert Procedure - All Leadership needs to attend) District Chorus: 3:00 - 3:45 Christmas Caroling at Christmas Past: 5:45 - 7:30 Central Avenue Plaza 4Ward On! at Matric Limited Christmas Party: Report 7:30 @ Cross Creek Saturday: Rhapsody in Blues and Quartets at Victorian Christmas Bazaar: 2:45 - 3:30 Knights of Col...

Christmas Caroling at Oil City Christmas Past - This Friday, December 6th

We have been invited again by the city to participate in Christmas Caroling on Friday, December 6th as part of Oil City's Christmas Past Celebration. Report Time would be 5:45 at the Morrison's Funeral Home to lead Santa into Central Avenue Plaza, and we will be done by 7:30. 2 hours of community service will be awarded for this event. Dress for conditions, and Christmas colors if possible (Red, Green, White). See Mr. Luxbacher with Questions. Click Here to Sign Up