
Showing posts from 2014


Congratulations and Thank You to all of the members of the High School Band and Choirs for an excellent holiday concert this evening.  It was definitely "one for the books," and you did yourselves and the audience proud.   Video to come on Monday! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Help Needed for Saturday Night's Holiday Concert

We are in need of a couple students and parents to help collect canned goods at Saturday night's Holiday Concert.  We would need people to report at 6:45 to help box the canned goods and move them to the middle school for transport, as well as hand out programs.  Email Mr. Luxbacher at if you are willing and able.

Congratulations MS Musicians!

Congratulations to all of the Middle School Bands and Choirs for a wonderful holiday concert this evening.  You all have much to be proud of!  Thank you for all of your hard work, and welcome to the sixth grade chorus!

Live-stream for MS Concert

Unfortunately, due to some last minute scheduling conflicts for the camera team, we will NOT be able to live stream tonight's Middle School Holiday Concert.  We are grateful, however, that an archive copy of tonight's concert will be made available on the Oiler News webpage as soon as we are able.  Thank you for your understanding.

We Are Livestreaming!

Both the middle school and high school holiday concerts will be live-streamed this year.  You can access these live broadcasts at: Concerts start Wednesday and Saturday at 7:30 pm.  Thanks to Mr. McLoughlin and the Media Technology classes for covering these holiday events!

Holiday Concert Narrators

We are in need of at least 2 Seniors to be narrators for the annual Holiday Concert next Saturday.  Email Mr. Luxbacher if you are interested in serving.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - Cast List

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - Cast List      First of all, THANK YOU for your interest and preparation for the audition process. It seems as the years go on, the quality of auditions has increased exponentially, and the process to cast the show has become increasingly harder. When so many people audition for a show, and at the level you all did, it is impossible to cast each person in the role he or she wants. However, remember that every part is a “lead” part. It is how you approach your role that makes or breaks the show. The smallest part can be the one that earns you your “fifteen minutes of fame…” IF YOU AUDITIONED FOR THE SHOW, AND YOUR NAME DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE CAST LIST SOMEWHERE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!       We will start rehearsals on Monday afternoon, January 5th, from 3:15 to 5:30 p.m. Will read through the scripts and listen to as much of the show music as possible. It is important that you be there for ...

HS Choir News - Week of 12/8/2014

THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone who volunteered and helped with Hoagie Pickup last Thursday, and Christmas Caroling at Christmas Past on Friday!  Both turnouts were wonderful, and much appreciated! Thank you also to everyone who contributed in the Free Will offering at Trinity on November 25th.  $67 was raised for the Trinity UMC Clothing Closet, which helps clothe young children in our community free of charge throughout the year. CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations and thank you to the Rhapsody in Blues on 3 great performances last week at UPMC's Light Up Night, Golden Living Center, and the Christmas Past Charity Bazaar.  All were well received, and performances went very well! MUSICAL AUDITIONS: Auditions for this year's musical, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," will take place Monday and Tuesday this week, from 3:15 to 5:00.  Lead auditions will take place on Monday, and ensemble auditions will take place on Tuesday.  A...


Marianna's pickup will be tomorrow, Thursday, December 4th, from 3:30-5:30 pm in the high school cafeteria.  Students should plan to pick up at this time.  We are in need of a couple more adults to help with distribution.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher if you are able to help.

Trinity Performance - Tuesday, November 25th

Oil City High School Music Department present the 78th annual Thanksgiving Concert Tuesday, November 25th at noon at Trinity United Methodist Church.  This concert is free and open to the public and will last approximately 30 minutes.  Featured groups will include the A Cappella Choir, Rhapsody in Blues, and the 4 Quarters.  A free will offering will be taken at the conclusion of the concert that will benefit a local charity.  Hope to see you there!



Congratulations and Thank You!

Congratulations and Thank You to the Women Choir for a fine performance at the Salvation Army Red Kettle Kick-Off Event.  Major Starnes was very complimentary, and your professionalism was greatly appreciated!


Women's Choir Performance today will be next to the town square on Sycamore Street (same place - just in front of the Elk's Club instead of in the mud).  Meet at the giant red kettle at 11:45.  

2014-2015 Alumni Band and Choir

As many of you know, there has not been much coming out lately about this year's alumni event, scheduled for the weekend of November 22nd and 23rd.  We apologize for that fact, but there has been much going on behind the scenes to try to get those dates to work.  We began this year fully intending to hold the event during homecoming weekend, but since it was decided to hold the game so early in the season, we did not feel that we would have enough time to line up conductors, and get music out, which was why we moved the event to November. Last year's event was a wonderful time, and if we are going to pull the event off, we want to do it right.  With the scheduling as it is right now, Dan and I do not feel we would be able to pull off an event with the same level of quality or better if we do it next weekend.  Therefore, we have decided to POSTPONE the alumni event until after Spring Concert Season.  This will allow us an adequate amount of time to line up d...


Club's Choice Pickup will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, November 12th.  The order should arrive at school at 1:30 pm, and most students should be able to pick up their orders and take them home at the end of the school day from the HS Cafeteria.  Large orders will still be able to be picked up between 3:30 and 5:00 in the cafeteria.  Please contact Mr. Cartwright or Mr. Luxbacher with questions.


Choir Writing Prompts: If you did not turn them in in class on Friday to Mr. Lee, or you have not done so already, all prompts are due to me no later than Sunday Night, November 9 th at Midnight.   Prompts can be found in your email.   High School Writing prompt can be also found on the Choir Blog ( ) Club's Choice Fundraiser Pickup: Wednesday, November 12, from 3:30 – 5:00.   Truck should be arriving sometime around 3:00, so we might be a little congested at the beginning. Please make sure that someone is there to pick up your order.   We are unable to hold food orders overnight.  You will receive your order forms back with the merchandise. Women's Choir Performance at Salvation Army Red Kettle Kickoff: Saturday, November 15th at Noon.  Choir Members will report to the town square (former Brody Block in front of the OC National Bank Building) at 11:45.  Students will perform 2-3 songs a...

High School Choir 2nd Nine Weeks Writing Prompt - Carol of the Bells

Carol of the Bells (Shchedryk, shchedryk) "Carol of the Bells" is a popular Christmas carol, composed by Mykola Leontovych with lyrics by Peter J. Wilhousky. The song is based on a folk chant known in Ukrainian as "Shchedryk".   The song is based on a traditional folk chant. It was associated with the coming New Year which, in pre-Christian Ukraine, was originally celebrated with the coming of spring in April. (This explains the reason why the original Ukrainian text speaks about a swallow returning and lambs being born.) The original Ukrainian text tells the tale of a swallow flying into a household to proclaim the plentiful and bountiful year that the family will have. The title is derived from the Ukrainian word for "bountiful". The period for the birth of animals and the return of swallows to Ukraine, however, does not correspond to the current calendar season of winter. It was introduced to Western audiences by the Ukrainian N...


Congratulations to the Following High School Choir Members for being selected for the  2015 District 3 Chorus Festival: Lucy Hutchinson - Soprano 1 Abi Masters - Soprano 1 Jennifer Rogers - Alto 1 Lauren Plummer - Alto 2 Robbie Jenkins - Tenor 2 Mitch Amos - Tenor 2 Eli Lewis - Bass 2

After School Schedule This Week

MONDAY: Women's Quartet 2:40-3:15 TUESDAY: 4Ward On! 2:40-3:15 WEDNESDAY: Women's Quartet 2:40-3:15 THURSDAY: 4Ward On! 2:40-3:15 FRIDAY: Leadership 2:40-3:15 See Mr. Luxbacher with Questions.

After School Schedule This Week

Monday: Women's Quartet 2:40-3:15 Tuesday: 4Ward On! 2:40-3:15 Wednesday:  Women's Quartet 2:40-3:15 Thursday:  4Ward On! 2:40-3:15 Friday: Choir Leadership 2:40-3:15 See Mr. Luxbacher with questions.


Trip Payment #1 ($162.50) is due tomorrow.  Checks should be made out to Oil City Music Association (OCMA).  Contact Mr. Cartwright or Mr. Luxbacher with questions.


Club's Choice Fundraiser Forms and Money are Due for all 8-12 band and choir members tomorrow, Tuesday, October 7th.  Trip Intent Forms for 8th Grade Marching Band and 9-12 Band and Choir are also due tomorrow.  Information about the Nashville Trip and a copy of the Trip Intent Form can be found HERE: Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with Questions

District Chorus Audition Information

District Chorus Audition information can now be found on Mr. Luxbacher's teacher page:

Oil City Middle School/High School Music Department Performance Schedule 2014-2015

Oil City Middle School/High School Music Department Performance Schedule 2014-2015: Saturday, November 22 nd – Alumni Band/Choir Rehearsal - Afternoon Sunday, November 23 rd – Alumni Band/Choir Concert – 3:15 Concert Wednesday, December 17 th – MS Holiday Concert 7:00 pm (Grades 6-8) Saturday, December 20 th – HS Holiday Concert 7:30 pm Wednesday, February 25 th to Saturday, February 28 th – PMEA Region II Chorus – Oil City HS is hosting.   Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21 – High School Musical 7:30 pm Saturday, April 25 th – Night of A Cappella 7:30 pm Thursday, April 30 th – Sunday, May 3 rd – Senior High Music Department Trip to Nashville, TN (Pending Board Approval) Saturday, May 9 th – Swing Out 7:30 pm Thursday, May 14 th – MS Band Concert 7:00 pm Friday, May 15 th – HS Band Concert 7:30 pm Thursday, May 21 st – MS Chorus Concert 7:00 pm

Congratulations and THANK YOU!

Congratulations to the High School Choirs for their first performance of the season!  Video is below:


Homecoming Performance Tonight - Friday, September 12, 2014 Report Time 5:45 pm in the High School Choir Room Dress: Blue Jeans, Oil City Top (if you don't have an Oil City Top, please wear a straight blue, white, or Grey Shirt) Students will Perform the National Anthem and Alma Mater around 6:40 pm. Following performance, students may attend the game compliments of the OC Athletic Department This is a graded performance (35% of first nine weeks grade) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Quartet Rehearsal Schedule This Week

Quartet Rehearsal Schedule This Week: Monday: No Rehearsal Tuesday: 4Ward On!  2:37-3:15 Wednesday: Women's Quartet 2:37-3:15 Thursday: 4Ward On! 2:37-3:15 Friday:  Women's Quartet 2:37-3:15 See Mr. Luxbacher or Mrs. Wrhen with questions.

A Cappella and Women's Choir - Seating Charts for the First Week of Choir

Women's Choir and A Cappella Choir Members - please check your email for seating charts for this coming week.  It will make things move faster if you know where you sit ahead of time.  Thanks, and let Mr. Luxbacher know if you did not receive the email.  Those of you who need seats - we will do that Wednesday during class.

Alumni Band and Choir 2014-15

For those of you who may be wondering about Alumni Band and Choir this year, we should have information by the end of this week.  We think we have a weekend that will work, and we are working on some format changes that should be fun.  Thanks for your patience!

Quartet Schedule for this Week (August 25, 2014)

MONDAY: 4Ward On!  11:00 am - 1:00 pm TUESDAY: Women's Quartet 2:40 - 3:15 WEDNESDAY: Women's Quartet 2:40 - 3:15 THURSDAY: 4Ward On!  2:40 - 3:15 See Mr. Luxbacher or Mrs. Wrhen with questions.

CHOIR MEMBERS: Nominate student leadership for the coming year by Friday, August 22nd. Check your school email for details.

CHOIR MEMBERS: Nominate student leadership for the coming year by Friday, August 22nd. Check your school email for details. — OCHS Choirs (@OCChoirs) August 17, 2014

PARENTS - Sign up for our Email Group!

We are adding an email list for MS and HS Choir and Musical Parents.  Sign up at: !

Rhapsody in Blues Retreat - Wednesday, August 20th!

Rhapsody in Blues Retreat Wednesday, August 20th from 10 - 2. Lunch will be provided. Please email to RSVP!

Oil Heritage Festival Parade Help Needed!!!

Dr. Weller, Mr. Stahl, and Mr. O'Donnell are in need of a few student volunteers to ride the OCASD float at the Oil Heritage Parade on  Saturday, July 26 .  The theme for the float is "130 years of building better futures."  One scene on the float will be dedicated to the arts.   Here's what is needed:  3-4 students to dress up as part of the choir or a character one of the musicals.  They will be either dressed in a costume from one of the musicals or a choir robe.  Dr. Weller and Mr. Stahl have said that if a student volunteers and rides on the float, they will be given credit for their 8 hours of community service needed for their graduation project this year.   Students will need to meet at the float at  4:30 pm  on Saturday, 7/26.  We have not been given the location of where our float will be parked, but Mr. O'Donnell will let students know as soon they find out.  Once you reach the end of the parade, stu...


Musical is in need of about 4 people to help load and unload set materials from the musical at 4pm Thursday, June 12.  Meet at the high school to load the truck.  Unloading will take place at the Lyric Theatre downtown and the Barrow warehouse in Franklin.  2 hours of community service will be awarded to those in need.  Email Mr. Luxbacher if you can help (


Congratulations to the Oil City High School Class of 2014.  It has been an honor watching you grow.  Good Luck, and Godspeed!

Senior Choir - Baccalaureate and Graduation

REMINDER TO SENIORS:  Report time for Thursday Night Baccalaureate is 5:15 in the Choir Room Report time for Friday Night Graduation is 5:15 at the Stadium PLEASE COME DRESSED IN CAP AND GOWN FOR CEREMONIES! Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Rhapsody in Blues and Quartet Results

Rhapsody in Blues and Quartet Audition Results are now posted.  Congratulations to our new members.  You can read the results here:

Women's Quartet Auditions

Thank you to everyone who auditioned for Women's Quartet today.  You all did a wonderful job, and the decision is going to be very tough.  Please understand as we stated in today's audition that we are looking for not only the top singers for the group, but the combination of singers that will sound best together going forward.  To that end, Mrs. Wrhen and Mr. Luxbacher would like to meet with the following people on Wednesday, June 4th after school for about 20 minutes before posting the final quartet Wednesday: Rachele Heasley, Lucy Hutchinson, Madalyn King, Allyson Stanley, Madison Vogan.   Please be prepared to sing the assigned parts for "I Love to Sing 'Em Tag" one more time for this audition. Please see Mr. Luxbacher with any questions.


Congratulations to our 2014 Award Winners: National Choral Award: Jenny Williams John Phillip Sousa Award: Jenny Williams Semper Fidelis Music Award: Amber Culver Music Department Award: Clinton Ames C. Frank Puleo Scholarship Award: Alex King Swing Out King and Queen: Bradley Rodgers and Jenny Williams

Music Department Picnic Tomorrow

Music Department Picnic  5:00 PM OCMS Picnic Pavillion Fried Chicken, Drinks, and Tablewear Provided Last Name A-M: Bring Salad, Casserole or Side Dish Last Name N-Z: Bring a Dessert SENIOR RECOGNITION FOLLOWING DINNER!!! Open for all MS and HS Band and Choir Members AND Families! Come Join Us!!!


The Oil City High School Rhapsody in Blues and Quartets are in need of the following voice parts:   RIBs - All Voice Parts (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) Women's Quartet - All Voice Parts (Tenor, Lead, Baritone, Bass) 4Ward On! - Tenor Auditions will take place the week of May 27 th .  Students auditioning for RIBs are asked to prepare a piece that they can sing well a cappella (no limitation on style of music.  School appropriate, please).  Consideration will be made for those who can hold pitch well throughout their audition, and sing in a strong, healthy voice. Prospective quartet members will be asked to prepare all voice parts to the following pieces: Women: I Love to Sing 'Em Tag Men: Ring, Ring the Banjo Parts will be up on the website this week. All current students in grades 8-11 are eligible to audition. YOU MUST BE SCHEDULED FOR A CHOIR (CONCERT CHOIR, WOMEN’S CHOIR, A CAPPELLA CHOIR) TO PARTICIPATE IN R.I.B.’S AND QUARTETS ...

EVENTS THIS WEEK - Week of 5/26

Music Department Events this Week: Tuesday:  Senior Choir - Periods 4 and 9 Part Checks/RIB Auditions - 8th Grade Chorus, Concert Choir, Women's Choir Puleo Scholarship Selection - Band and Choir Officers - Period 4 Women's Quartet - Meeting for prospective members - 2:40 to 3:15 (ANYONE PLANNING ON AUDITIONING FOR WOMEN'S QUARTET FOR 2014-2015 SHOULD PLAN TO ATTEND) SENIOR WRITING PROMPTS FOR VIDEO OF THE WEEK DUE BY MIDNIGHT!!! Wednesday: Senior Choir - Periods 4 and 9 Part Checks/RIB Auditions - 8th Grade Chorus, Concert Choir, Women's Choir Puleo Scholarship Voting - Band and Choir Seniors - All Day Radical Rhythm Performance for Venango Christian Women's Association - 12:15 Performance at Cross Creek Men's Quartet - Meeting for Prospective Members - 2:40 to 3:15 (ANYONE PLANNING ON AUDITIONING FOR THE TENOR POSITION IN 4WARD ON! SHOULD PLAN TO ATTEND!) Music Department Picnic - 5:00 OCMS Picnic Pavillion (Last Name A-M, bring salad/side/...

Video of the Week - In Remembrance

This week, we look at one of the possible pieces for next year's Swing Out.  In Remembrance is a mixed choir piece, and comes from a larger Requiem Mass (Mass for the dead).  This text is from a famous anonymous poem that discusses thoughts on the soul. This is a possible selection for Swing Out theme  War and Peace,  encompassing songs of patriotism, battle, and the hope for lasting peace. BASED OFF OF THE PMEA RUBRIC, EVALUATE THE CHOIR'S PERFORMANCE This piece is being performed by The Bucknell Chapel Choir. What do you notice about their posture, their sound, and their accuracy?  Even though the room echos a lot, can you understand their words? Why or why not? What story is the piece telling? What do you think of the piece? Is this something that fits the style of what we do? If you are a middle school chorus member, is this something that we can accomplish within the course of a concert season?  Be sure to answer the questions ...

Video of the Week - Cloudburst

This week, we look at one of the possible pieces for next year's Swing Out.   Cloudburst  is a mixed choir (SATB) piece.  The text is sung in Spanish.  This is a possible selection for Swing Out theme  The Elements , encompassing songs about Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire. BASED OFF OF THE PMEA RUBRIC, EVALUATE THE CHOIR'S PERFORMANCE This piece is performed by a mixed adult/student choral ensemble, with the composer conducting.  What do you notice about their posture, their sound, and their accuracy?  Can you understand their words?  Why or why not? What do you think of the piece?  Is this something that fits the style of what we do?  If you are a middle school chorus member, is this something that we can accomplish within the course of a concert season? Be sure to answer the questions using some of the terminology on the adjudication form provided to you in class. A Copy of the PMEA Assessment Rubric can be found here:...

Video of the Week - In Flander's Fields

This week, we look at one of the possible pieces for next year's Swing Out. In Flander's Fields  is either a men's or mixed choir piece.  We will probably perform the mixed chorus version.  This text is from a famous poem that discusses the aftermath of war. This is a possible selection for Swing Out theme  War and Peace,  encompassing songs of patriotism, battle, and the hope for lasting peace. BASED OFF OF THE PMEA RUBRIC, EVALUATE THE CHOIR'S PERFORMANCE This piece is being performed by a middle school choir. What do you notice about their posture, their sound, and their accuracy?  Even though the room echos a lot, can you understand their words? Why or why not? What story is the piece telling? What do you think of the piece? Is this something that fits the style of what we do? If you are a middle school chorus member, is this something that we can accomplish within the course of a concert season?  Be sure to answer the quest...

Video of the Week - O Sifuni Mungu

This week, we look at one of the possible pieces for next year's Swing Out.   O Sifuni Mungu  is a mixed choir (SATB) piece.  The text is sung in swahili, then in English by the soloists.  This is a possible selection for Swing Out theme  The Elements , encompassing songs about Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire. BASED OFF OF THE PMEA RUBRIC, EVALUATE THE CHOIR'S PERFORMANCE This is performed by a high school choral ensemble.  What do you notice about their posture, their sound, and their accuracy? Can you understand their words.  Why or why not? What do you think of the piece?  Is this something that fits the style of what we do?  If you are a middle school chorus member, is this something that we can accomplish within the course of a concert season? Be sure to answer the questions using some of the terminology on the adjudication form provided to you in class. A Copy of the PMEA Assessment Rubric can be found here:  PMEA Asses...

Video of the Week - Soldier's Cry

This week, we look at one of the possible pieces for next year's Swing Out. Soldier's Cry is either a men's or mixed choir piece.  We will perform whichever one is available from the composer/arranger.  This piece is a song of remembrance for the Canadian/British holiday Remembrance Day, similar to our Memorial Day. This is a possible selection for Swing Out theme War and Peace, encompassing songs of patriotism, battle, and the hope for lasting peace. BASED OFF OF THE PMEA RUBRIC, EVALUATE THE CHOIR'S PERFORMANCE The Amabile Men's Choir is a middle/high school aged youth choir from Ontario, Canada. What do you notice about their posture, their sound, and their accuracy that might lead you to believe that they are all professional musicians?  Even though the room echos a lot, can you understand their words. Why or why not? What story is the piece telling? What do you think of the piece? Is this something that fits the style of what we do? If you a...

Video of the Week - I Will Be Earth

This week, we look at one of the possible pieces for next year's Swing Out. I Will Be Earth  is a mixed choir piece (SATB). This is a possible selection for Swing Out theme  The Elements , encompassing songs about Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire. BASED OFF OF THE PMEA RUBRIC, EVALUATE THE CHOIR'S PERFORMANCE This video was recorded as part of the Los Angeles Master Chorale High School Choir Festival, including over 2,000 high school singers from across the country. What do you notice about their posture, their sound, and their accuracy that might lead you to believe that they are all professional musicians?  The piece was recorded in the Walt Disney Theatre in Los Angeles. Even though the room echos a lot, can you understand their words. Why or why not?   What are the challenges of trying to conduct over 2,000 singers in one ensemble? What do you think of the piece? Is this something that fits the style of what we do? If you are a middle school ch...