
Showing posts from January, 2014

Video of the Week - 1/27/14 - Recording The Music of Ola Gjeilo

This week, we are introduced to composer Ola Gjeilo, a Norwegian composer who has become recently known in the choir game.  A Cappella Choir is performing "The Ground" for Swing Out this year, which is a movement from his   Sunrise Mass.   In this video, we are introduced to Gjeilo and Charles Bruffy, the conductor of the Grammy Award-Winning Phoenix Chorale, as they embark on a new recording project featuring the music of composer Ola Gjeilo. We also get the inside story from Artistic Director Charles Bruffy and composer Ola Gjeilo himself in this video showcasing the collaboration between the Phoenix Chorale and this amazing young musical talent. 1.     From the video what do you think a composer in residence is?  Why do you think it allows for a performing group, conductor, and composer to form such a close bond? 2.     What is different with “Dark Night of the Soul” than with many other choral pieces?  What is the focus...

Rehearsal Schedule for Rest of Week - Week of 1/29/14

Thank you for your patience amidst the chaos.  With the cancellations and cold temperatures, it has not been an easy week.  Here is the plan for the next few days: TODAY: Wednesday, January 29th: 3:15-5:30 Block Act II, Scene I with whomever is here (we do not need hotbox girls tonight - we will start blocking after Take Back Your Mink) Block Act II, Scene 4 up to Sue Me Block Oldest Established (GAMBLERS - If you are not currently on the schedule for tonight, and cannot make it, I understand, but if you can make it, I would appreciate it) THURSDAY: January 30th: 6:30 - 8:30 Block Act II, Scenes 2 and 6 Block Sue Me (Nathan and Adelaide) FRIDAY: NO REHEARSAL AS SCHEDULED SATURDAY:EXTENDED CHOREOGRAPHY 1:00 - 6:00 Havana 1:00 - 3:00 Hot Box 3:00 - 6:00 Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions and issues.


Due to the cancellation of school today, we will not be having musical this evening.  Stay home and stay warm.  Once we are back in school, a revised schedule for rehearsals will be sent out.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.


With the closure of school today, we will not be able to have tonight's musical rehearsal.  A revised schedule for this week will be posted once the weather and temps calm down a bit.  Stay home, and stay warm!


Due to the weather conditions today, we are going to cancel choreography rehearsal.  We will extend next Saturday's rehearsal to the following: 1-3 Havana Dancers (note earlier start) 3-6 Hot Box Girls (note start and end time) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Today's Choreography Rehearsal

Choreography rehearsal today is from 12-2 (Note Time), and is for the Havana Dancers.  The follwing people should attend: Havana  Dancers: Clinton Ames, Mitchell Amos, Nick Dobson, Izzy Fox, Megan Gates, Rachele Heasley, Alex King, Chase Marvin, Jacob Meals, Quinton Reed, Dane Slagle, Andrea Spence, Taylor Thomas, Madison Vogan, Skye Beck If rehearsal is cancelled due to weather, we will make the decision by 10:30 AM.  Check your email and the blog for updates.  No updates - be at rehearsal.

Video of the Week - 1/20/14 - Eric Whitacre and Virtual Choir 2.0

For this week's video, we are introduced to contemporary composer Eric Whitacre.  In 2009, Whitacre embarked on a project to bring singers from around the world together, via YouTube, to perform a piece of music as a virtual choir.  In the first video, Whitacre discusses the project, how he came to choral music, and how this project has been a game changer in the world of music.  The second video is a complete performance of the 2nd Virtual Choir (there are currently four in the series).  Please watch the videos and answer the following questions: 1.  The Virtual Choir brings together singers from all over the world to perform one work.  How is the language of music universal?  How does that help those organizing the project accomplish their goal? 2.  Whitacre talks in his TED presentation about how all of those participating in the choir were performing the piece on "their own little island," yet in the comments on the Virtual Choir Face...

Act I, Scenes 3 and 4 Tonight (1/21/14) - SEE BELOW!

Here is what I would like for tonight's musical rehearsal: 6:30 - 7:00 Culver, Rodgers, Karg, Lewis, and Reed - Catch up on scenes and work Act I, Scene 3 7:00 - 8:30 Work Act I, Scene 4 with cast members NOTE: I only need the following gamblers for tonight's rehearsal: Ames (Emcee), Amos, Slagle, Karg, Lewis, Dobson. Also, if I can have the following female ensemble members: Whitling, Gates, Spence, Masters, Thomas We will more than likely be done in an hour with Scene 4.  Hot Box Girls - be prepared to dance the number. Email Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Video of the Week - January 17, 2014 - Maorian Haka Dance

The Haka (plural is the same as singular: haka) is a traditional ancestral war cry , dance or challenge from the Māori people of New Zealand . It is a posture dance performed by a group, with vigorous movements and stamping of the feet with rhythmically shouted accompaniment. Haka are not exclusively war dances but were traditionally performed by men. War haka (peruperu) were originally performed by warriors before a battle, proclaiming their strength and prowess in order to intimidate the opposition. Today, haka constitute an integral part of formal or official welcome ceremonies for distinguished visitors or foreign dignitaries, serving to impart a sense of the importance of the occasion. WATCH THE HAKA VIDEO BELOW.  FROM WHAT YOU SEE, WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MAIN ELEMENTS OF A TRADITIONAL HAKA? 1.  Describe the visual look of the dancers.  What are they wearing?  How does it add to the dance?  2.  Ta moko is the traditional tattooing practi...

Video of the Week - Explanation of Assignment

Starting today (1/17), we will be doing a video of the week each Friday.  We will watch the video in class, and all videos will be posted to the choir blog.  Each post will have a set of questions to answer pertaining to the day's video.  Over the course of the nine weeks, choir members are to choose one video on which to write.  The response will be a paragraph that answers the questions asked on the post.  This paragraph will be graded and included in the student's portfolio grade.  Additional assignments may be submitted for extra credit (up to 5 points per submission).

Monday Night's Musical Rehearsal - Act I, Scenes 5 and 7

After looking at the scenes for Monday night, mission band does not need to attend rehearsal.  It's a crossover, and one that I can easily put in when we run the scene.  However, I would like all Gamblers at the rehearsal, as we will block Scenes 5 and 7, then block and rehearse music for "Oldest Established."  Let me know if this will be an issue.

Choreography - Saturday, January 18th - CANCELLED

Jacki informed me today she is not feeling well, so we will not be having choreography on Saturday.  We will reschedule the hot box girl rehearsal for another Saturday.


Just a reminder that the Nelson Mandela Tribute (HS) and the Choirs Lead the Way (MS) writing prompts are due by 11:59 tonight.  Submissions may be made via the form online (HS - check your email), by email (, or by turning them into Mr. Speth by the end of the day.  Email me with questions.  Students attending district chorus and Mercyhurst Honors Band - your assignment will be due by 11:59 Sunday night.

Region Chorus Results

Congratulations to Jenny Williams (SI), Amber Culver (A2), and Eli Lewis (B2), for chairing high enough in their sections to be selected to participate in the Region II Chorus Festival at Girard!

Choruses Lead the Way - MS Writing Prompt - Due Friday, January 10th

The following video was taken from CBS Sunday Morning a few years back, and describes a report from the organization, Chorus America, that details an increase in the number of people participating in choirs in the US.  It goes on to talk about the benefits of singing, as well as why people choose to participate in our activity. PLEASE SUMMARIZE THE VIDEO, AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: In the video, the narrator discusses the increase in the number of people belonging to choirs in the past few years.  Why do you think that people join singing groups?  Please feel free to include your own reasons for being in our chorus. In the video, some of the people interviewed discuss the reasons why they choose to sing.  Do you agree with them?  Do they share the same reasons you choose to sing in choir, or do you have additional ones? The video discusses that some areas do not have children's choirs in their area (school or community).  What do you think goes into...

High School Choirs - Mandela Writing Prompt - DUE FRIDAY, JANUARY 10TH!

High School Choirs - Nelson Mandela Writing Prompt   "South African Trilogy" is composed of three protest songs that centered around the freeing of Nelson Mandela, the civil rights leader that spoke out against Apartheid in South Africa. Please watch the following video and summarize some of the main points of Mandela's life and struggle for racial equality in South Africa.   POINTS TO CONSIDER: 1. What was Apartheid, and why Mandela speak out against it? How did it compare to our own struggle for civil rights in the United States? 2. Once Mandela was freed, how did things change? What did he and the African National Congress do ease tensions and to move forward? 3. No leader is perfect in their leadership. Where did Mandela fall short? What were some of the problems of his presidency?  Your essay should be 3-5 paragraphs, comprised of an introductory paragraph that introduces the points you will make...

Musical Rehearsal - Monday, January 6th - CANCELLED!!!

All after school activities for tonight have been cancelled, so we will not be having musical this evening.   Please stay home, and stay warm!  Rehearsal schedule will be updated shortly.