Video of the Week - Dillon McCartney - Danny Boy
USING THE EVALUATION VOCABULARY FROM THE ADJUDICATION FORM (PROVIDED IN CLASS), EVALUATE MR. MCCARTNEY'S PERFORMANCE IN THIS VIDEO 1. How would you describe his voice? He is a professional tenor. Do you agree with this classification? Does it sound like the same voice throughout his range? Are all of his vowels consistent? Does he make it sound easy? On the extremely high notes, how do you describe the sound he creates? 2. Using some of the things we emphasize in class, how you would evaluate his posture, his jaw placement (is it open? is it closed? Does it look like the space in the back is high?), and his facial and body expression? 3. There is a certain level of artistry to create the mood of the piece. What mood do you think he is trying to convey? How does he do that in the way he sings the piece? 4. Be sure to answer the questions using some of the terminology on the adjudication form provided to you in class. Compose your answers in 1-2 paragraphs of...