
Showing posts from August, 2014

Quartet Rehearsal Schedule This Week

Quartet Rehearsal Schedule This Week: Monday: No Rehearsal Tuesday: 4Ward On!  2:37-3:15 Wednesday: Women's Quartet 2:37-3:15 Thursday: 4Ward On! 2:37-3:15 Friday:  Women's Quartet 2:37-3:15 See Mr. Luxbacher or Mrs. Wrhen with questions.

A Cappella and Women's Choir - Seating Charts for the First Week of Choir

Women's Choir and A Cappella Choir Members - please check your email for seating charts for this coming week.  It will make things move faster if you know where you sit ahead of time.  Thanks, and let Mr. Luxbacher know if you did not receive the email.  Those of you who need seats - we will do that Wednesday during class.

Alumni Band and Choir 2014-15

For those of you who may be wondering about Alumni Band and Choir this year, we should have information by the end of this week.  We think we have a weekend that will work, and we are working on some format changes that should be fun.  Thanks for your patience!

Quartet Schedule for this Week (August 25, 2014)

MONDAY: 4Ward On!  11:00 am - 1:00 pm TUESDAY: Women's Quartet 2:40 - 3:15 WEDNESDAY: Women's Quartet 2:40 - 3:15 THURSDAY: 4Ward On!  2:40 - 3:15 See Mr. Luxbacher or Mrs. Wrhen with questions.

CHOIR MEMBERS: Nominate student leadership for the coming year by Friday, August 22nd. Check your school email for details.

CHOIR MEMBERS: Nominate student leadership for the coming year by Friday, August 22nd. Check your school email for details. — OCHS Choirs (@OCChoirs) August 17, 2014

PARENTS - Sign up for our Email Group!

We are adding an email list for MS and HS Choir and Musical Parents.  Sign up at: !

Rhapsody in Blues Retreat - Wednesday, August 20th!

Rhapsody in Blues Retreat Wednesday, August 20th from 10 - 2. Lunch will be provided. Please email to RSVP!