
Showing posts from October, 2015

Choir Apparel Orders

It's Time for the Annual Choir Apparel Order.  Order Form has been emailed to all middle and high school choir members, and to all parents enrolled in the email group.  You can also download and fill out the form at Mr. Luxbacher's teacher page ( ).   If you are using your OCMA fundraiser money, you will need to complete a funds disbursement form and submit with your order.  This form can be found at the bottom of Mr. Luxbacher's teacher page.  Website is: webpages/sluxbacher .  

Club's Choice Order Forms

For some reason, your original order forms were not placed in the boxes, nor were they returned to us before pickup today.  If you gave us your yellow copies of the order form, we have those, and you can pick those up before 5:00.  If you want to wait until tomorrow, please refrigerate all food items, and you can get your yellow forms from us tomorrow morning.  Sorry for the inconvenience, and we will get to the bottom of the issue.  Thanks!

Club's Choice - Backordered Items

There were two backordered items that did not make it in in time.  They are the #1071 Piglet Pancake Non-Stick Pan, and the #8382 Soup and Cracker Mug.  You should have a slip in your box with the backorder information.  All backorders should be in by the second week of November.  If you have anything else missing from your orders, please contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright ASAP.


REMINDER: Club's Choice Fundraiser Pickup today for band and choir members grades 8-12 who participated.  Pickup will be in the auditorium.  An announcement will be made 9th period when orders are ready for pickup.  Students with small orders should take them on the bus.  Pickup for large orders will go from 2:45 to 5:00.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.

Men's Chorus Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival 2015

via IFTTT Men's Chorus at the 2015 Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival, October 3, 2015. Chuck May - Director. OC Students Eli Lewis, Sid Cubbon, and Tyler Hare Participated.

Combined Chorus Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival 2015

via IFTTT The Combined Men's and Women's Choruses at the 2015 Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival, October 3, 2015. Lisa Beckett and Chuck May - Conductors.

Women's Chorus Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival 2015

via IFTTT The Women's Chorus at the 2015 Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival, October 3, 2015. Lisa Beckett - Director. OC students Rachele Heasley, Lucy Hutchinson, Madison Vogan, and Allyson Stanley participated/

4 Ward On! Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival 2015

Oil City High School 4Ward On! (plus/minus 1) performing at the 2015 Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival, October 3, 2015.

Men's Chorus Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival 2015

via IFTTT The Young Men in Harmony Chorus at the 2015 Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival, Saturday, October 3, 2015. Chuck May - Conductor. OC Participants Eli Lewis, Sid Cubbon, and Tyler Hare

4 Quarters - Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival 2015

Oil City High School's 4 Quarters Performing at the 2015 Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival on Saturday, October 3rd, 2015.  Apologies for recording sideways (ipad deficient).

Homecoming Performance This Week!

REMINDER: This Friday night, October 9th, is the annual performance of the high school choirs at the homecoming football game.  Report time is 5:45 in the choir room.  Students participating in cheerleading, football, band, and concession stand will meet us at the field at performance time.  National Anthem and Alma Mater will take place at around 6:45, and students should be done by the start of the game at 7:00.  Dress for the performance is blue jeans, tennis shoes, and Oil City top (sports team/choir/etc.).  If a student does not have Oiler wear, they may wear straight blue, white, or grey tops.  Please dress for conditions.  This is a required performance (35% of first nine weeks grade).  Please contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions. In the event of inclement weather, we will reschedule.  Please keep an eye to your email or text messages (if you singed up for the remind service) if the weather looks iffy.  Unless you receive word o...

OCHS Quartets receive $1000 grant

We received word this week that the Oil City High School Quartets are the recipients of a $1,000 grant from Open Flow Energy to support the competitive arts in the public schools.  Proceeds from this grant will go to cover expenses for our quartet members to compete at Sweet Adeline's and Barbershop Harmony Society district and regional competitions this winter and spring.  We are grateful to Open Flow Energy for their generosity and their support of the arts in the communities they serve.