
Showing posts from 2016


Congratulations to all of the members of the high school choirs and bands for an excellent holiday concert last night.  In addition, thank you to the members of Rhapsody in Blues for all of their performances this holiday season.  Have a wonderful holiday break!

High School Holiday Concert Saturday, December 17th

Oil City High School Music Department presents its annual Holiday Concert tomorrow night, Saturday, December 17th, at 7:30 pm.  Admission is a canned good or Non-perishable food item that will be donated to help local food pantries replenish their supplies from the coming year.  The concert will be streamed on YouTube as well (  Hope to see you there!


Cast List for Oil City High School's production of DAMN YANKEES can be found here: Congratulations and thanks to all who auditioned!

Change in Club's Choice Pickup

We received word today that the Club's Choice order will be arriving a day early.  We should have the orders ready for students to take home on the bus tomorrow, Wednesday, December 7th.  Students with large orders should plan to pick up their items between the end of the school day (parents can park in the back lot by the tennis courts and come in the rear entrance) until 5:00 pm.  Order pickup will be in the auditorium. We are in need of some parent help to assist with pickup.  We would be looking for a few parents to help starting at 2:00.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright if you are able to help.  Thanks!

Trip Payment #1 Due Monday

REMINDER: Trip Payment 1 ($200) due Monday, November 21. Checks made out to OCMA.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.


Congrats to the Rebels of Rhythm for winning the Barbershop Harmony Society youSING competition.  Thanks also to all of the staff and students, and community members who helped push us over the top!


The Rebels of Rhythm, Oil City High School's newest barbershop quartet, is competing in the Barbershop Harmony Society's youSING competition.  This competition awards $1,000 to the winning quartet's school music department.  The winner is determined by the total number of views and likes on YouTube by midnight tomorrow (November 8th).  Please go to the link below, watch the video, and like our performance.  The link is:  Thank you so much for your support!

Rebels of Rhythm youSING Contest Submission 2016

Oil City High School's Rebels of Rhythm performing "You've Got a Friend in Me" for their 2016 BHS youSING competition entry. Tyler Hare - Tenor Nick Dobson - Lead Sidney Cubbon - Baritone Truman Littler - Bass Mr. Steven Luxbacher - Choir Director and Quartet Coach

Rebels of Rhythm - 2016 youSING contest submission

Welcome the newest quartet to the Oil City High School Choir Family...The Rebels of Rhythm!

District Chorus 2017

Congratulations to the following Oil City High School Choir members for being selected for the 2017 PMEA District 3 Chorus Festival to be held January 11-13 at Marion Center High School: Tyler Hare - Tenor 1 Rachele Heasley - Alto 2 Shanay Jackson - Soprano 2 Truman Littler - Bass 2 Abigail Masters - Alto 1 Brantley Moffett - Bass 1 Please pick up folders ASAP!  Congratulations!

REMINDER - District Chorus Forms Due Tomorrow (Thursday, October 6th)

REMINDER - Students interested in auditioning for District Chorus MUST turn in their Student Policy Acceptance Form and their Student Medical Form by the END OF THE DAY Thursday, October 6th.  Audition must be completed by next Thursday, October 13th.  Paperwork and audition materials can be found at: Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

District Chorus Auditions 2017

   Students grades 10-12 planning on auditioning for District Chorus this year MUST have the PMEA Student Policy Acceptance Form and PMEA Medical Form completed and turned in by Thursday, October 6th . Forms are on the blog festival info page and can be filled out and saved to your computer. Please print, sign and return to Mr. Luxbacher on or before the 6th. Students not submitting paperwork by the 6th will not be permitted to audition.      Auditions will be heard starting now up until Thursday, October 13th . Students will audition with the solo version of Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus. Students auditioning for Soprano or Tenor should use the High Part, with Altos and Basses using the low. Pronunciation guide, learning track for melody, and accompaniment track are on the site to help you learn the part. Please see Mr. Luxbacher if you have any issues dowloading and using the tracks. Students will be ranked based on their performance of this piece....


REMINDER: Tomorrow night, September 23rd, is the annual performance of the high school choirs at the homecoming football game.  Report time is 5:45 in the choir room.  Students participating in cheerleading, football, band, and concession stand will meet us at the field at performance time.  National Anthem and Alma Mater will take place at around 6:45, and students should be done by the start of the game at 7:00.  Dress for the performance is blue jeans, tennis shoes, and Oil City top (sports team/choir/etc.).  If a student does not have Oiler wear, they may wear straight blue, white, or grey tops.  Please dress for conditions.  This is a required performance (35% of first nine weeks grade).  Please contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Music in Oil Country update

Performance tonight is inside. Rhapsodies - Please report to Mrs. Koyack's/Mr. Brown's room (234MS) at 6:30.

Rhapsody in Blues performance - Saturday, September 10th

Rhapsody in Blues performance - Saturday, September 10th Report Time: 6:30 (Location will be determined by 3:00 pm today) Dress: Jeans, Tennis Shoes, Oil City Top or Blue, White Grey Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Concert Schedule 2016-2017

Oil City Middle School / High School Concert Schedule 2016-2017: Saturday, December 17th - HS Holiday Concert 7:30 pm Tuesday, December 20th - MS Holiday Concert 7:00 pm Friday and Saturday, March 10, 11 - HS Musical, "Damn Yankees," 7:30 pm Saturday, April 22nd - Night of A Cappella 7:30 pm Friday-Sunday, April 28-30 Music Department Trip  (Pending board approval and final trip itinerary) Tuesday, May 9th - MS Spring Chorus Concert 7:00 pm Saturday, May 13th - Swing Out 7:30 pm Tuesday, May 16th - MS Spring Band Concert 7:00 pm Friday, May 19th - HS Band Spring Concert 7:30 pm Details will be forthcoming regarding report times and concert information.

After School Group Rehearsal Schedule - Week of 9/6 and Going Forward

After School Rehearsal Schedule This Week: Monday: No Rehearsal Tuesday: No Rehearsal Wednesday: 4 Quarters / Men's Quartet 2:40-3:10 Thursday: Sweet Adeline's Chorus 2:40 - 3:15 Friday: Men's Quartet 2:40 - 3:10 Going Forward, the Regular Weekly Schedule will be: Monday: 4 Quarters 2:40 - 3:10 Tuesday: Sweet Adeline's Chorus 2:40 - 3:15 Wednesday: 4 Quarters / Men's Quartet 2:40 - 3:15 Thursday:  Sweet Adeline's Chorus 2:40 - 3:15 Friday: Men's Quartet 2:40 - 3:10 See Mr. Luxbacher or Mrs. Wrhen with Questions.

Rhapsody in Blues Retreat 2016

The Annual Retreat for the Rhapsody in Blues will take place on Tuesday, August 23rd, from 9 am - 2 pm..  Lunch will be provided.  This is our chance to get a few songs under the belt before we start the school year.  We will also be discussing expectations and performance schedule as it is now.  Please make every effort to attend.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with any questions or concerns.
Congratulations to Looking Sharp in this night's performance in the International Youth Quartet Compeition.  The quartet improved their score from districts, and placed 28th among the top quartets in the world.  Proud OCHS moment!

Looking Sharp Comes to Nashville

Best wishes to Looking Sharp, as they compete in the Barbershop Harmony Society International Youth Quartet Competition in Nashville TONIGHT!

Looking Sharp at Game of Tones Show 6-16-16


Pickup for the OCMA hoagie fundraiser will be tomorrow (Wednesday, June 1st) from 3-5 pm in the HS Cafeteria.  We are in need of students and parents to help unload the truck at 1:30 pm and sort the orders before the 3 pm pickup.  Please contact Mr. Luxbacher ASAP if you can help (

Hoagie Pickup - Wednesday, June 1st

Just a reminder that hoagie pickup for those who participated in the Marianna's fundraiser is next Wednesday, June 1st from 3-5 pm in the high school cafeteria.  We will need help unloading the truck at 1:30, if you are able.  Please contact Mr. Luxbacher if you can help. PLEASE NOTE: TEACHERS WILL NOT BE IN SCHOOL AFTER MAY 31ST.  Please be sure to make arrangements with teachers to get them their product on delivery day.

Rhapsody in Blues 2016-2017

OIL CITY HIGH SCHOOL RHAPSODY IN BLUES 2016-2017 AUDITION RESULTS First of all, THANK YOU for auditioning.  I know the new audition system was a bit more challenging than in previous years, but I think the results will improve the group for years to come.  The results are posted below.  Thank you so much for your work in preparing for the auditions. RHAPSODY IN BLUES: 2016-17 YOU WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR ACTIVITY 10 TH PERIOD WITH ME FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.  FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES ā€“ YOU WILL BE WITH US WHEN YOU ARE NOT SCHEDULED FOR LITERATURE/BIO/ALGEBRA LAB. SOPRANOS: Emily Bensink (II) Lindsey Crabtree (I) Meagan Gibson (I) Courtney Henry (I) Makenzie Huff (II) Lucy Hutchinson (I) Shanay Jackson (II) Chrystal Myers (II) ALTOS: Nicole Anthony (I) Katherine Fye (II) Riley Hart (I) Rachele Heasley (II) Annie Lenze (II) Jenna Loll (I) Abi Masters (I) Hayley  Ochs (I) Madison Vogan (II) TENORS: Madi Nuhfer...

St. Vincent College Summer Sing

2016 Summer Sing! Friday, July 15 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. For students in grades 8 to 12   Saint Vincent College announces 2016 Summer Sing on campus with Conductor Thomas Octave (our guest director from the 2015 Region Chorus at OCHS). At Summer Sing! you will: Sharpen your music reading Get private voice lessons Perform in master classes Have fun   Cost   $75 Summer Sing Faculty   Thomas Octave Susanna Lemberskaya   For More Information To receive an application or more information, contact Thomas Octave, Assistant Professor of Music, at  (724) 805-2483  or .

Music and Movement Summer Camp Information

MIU IV has partnered with the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre and master voice teacher, Diana Walters (Mr. Luxbacher's voice teacher) to offer a unique summer camp.  Middle school students who are interested in the performing arts are invited to participate in a week-long day camp led by professional dancers and musicians with extensive performance and teaching experience. Throughout the week, students will learn how to use their voices, bodies, and minds to prepare for performance in dance, theatre, and music. Students with all different levels of skill and experience in either dance or music are encouraged to attend. Regardless of skill level, students are sure to learn something new. Participants will work on dance and music activities and present what they are learning at a final demonstration for their family and friends. Information and Registration form can be found here:  Movement and Music Camp Registration Information Camp takes place at the MIU 4 offices in Gr...

Men's Quartet Auditions for 2016-2017

MEN'S QUARTET AUDITION INFORMATION 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR Currently, Looking Sharp is looking for candidates to fill the following voice parts in the quartet: Lead* Baritone* Bass *Depending on results of auditions. Auditions will take place on Tuesday, May 24th after school in the choir room. Prospective candidates should prepare the  "My Old Kentucky Home" tag. Music and learning tracks are available here: Candidates will audition with the current quartet. A Callback may be ordered on Thursday, May 26th after school should we need it. All members MUST be enrolled in either A Cappella or Concert Choir for the 2016-2017 school year to participate in quartet. Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Rhapsody in Blues Audition 2016-2017

RHAPSODY IN BLUES AUDITIONS 2016 ā€“ 2017 SCHOOL YEAR Auditions will take place from May 20 ā€“ May 25 th . Auditions will take place during choir period, unless another time is desired.  Students auditioning for RIBs are asked to prepare the audition selection (Most Wonderful Time of the Year ā€“ sheet music and learning tracks can be found below) so they can sing it well a cappella with at least one other person from a different voice part (you must sing with at least one other person that does not share your voice part, and you may sing with up to a quartet, one on each voice part (SATB)).  Consideration will be made for those who can hold pitch well throughout their audition, and sing in a strong, healthy voice. YOU MUST BE SCHEDULED FOR A CHOIR (CONCERT CHOIR, WOMENā€™S CHOIR, A CAPPELLA CHOIR) TO PARTICIPATE IN R.I.B.ā€™S AND QUARTETS.  STUDENTS CURRENTLY IN GRADES 8-11 ARE ELIGIBLE TO AUDITION. EXPECTATIONS FOR RHAPSODY IN BLUES MEMBERSHIP 2016-2017 SCHOOL Y...

MS Chorus Concert Information

Just a reminder that tonight is the Middle School Chorus Concert.  Report time for students is 6:30 pm.  6th grade chorus will report to the Choir Room, and 7th and 8th grade chorus will report to the HS Cafeteria.  Performance starts at 7:00 pm.  Dress for the concert is black pants, white shirt, and dress shoes.

Concert Livestreams

Both Tuesday's Middle School Chorus Concert and Thursday's Swing Out will be livestreamed this week.  The livestream can be accessed here: Thanks to Mr. McLoughlin and the OCHS Media Department for covering these performance.

Night of A Cappella 2016 Now Online

Audio and Video footage of the 2016 Night of A Cappella is now online in the Music Department Concert Archive.  Go to , and select 2015-2016 School Year, and Night of A Cappella.  Enjoy!

HS Feature Soloist Audition Results

Congratulations to the following HS Choir students who will be performing featured solos on the May 5th Swing Out Concert: Lindsey Crabtree - Impossible Reagan Lashinsky - Electricity Eli Lewis - Father, How Long Abi Masters - Almost Lover Soloists - please make sure Mr. Luxbacher has a copy of your music ASAP if you are planning on having him play for you at the concert.  Thanks!

Oil City High School Presents "Night of A Cappella" April 16th

Oil City High School Music Department presents its 6th Annual Night of A Cappella this Saturday, April 16th, starting at 7:30 pm.  Tickets are $2 and can be purchased at the door.  Featured Groups include The 4 Quarters, Looking Sharp, featured quartet Fast Forward, and the Rhapsody in Blues. Hope to see you there!

PGH Youth Harmony Submission 2016 - The 4 Quarters

via IFTTT Oil City High School's 4 Quarters Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Quartet Competition 2016 Submission 1. All My Lovin' 2. A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes 3. Mickey Mouse Tag

PGH Youth Harmony Submission Looking Sharp

via IFTTT Oil City High School's Looking Sharp Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Quartet Competition 2016 Submission 1. Are You Lonesome Tonight? 2. I'm Sitting on Top of the World 3. Run to the City of Refuge Tag

Professional production shots from SPAMALOT

Production photos from the final dress rehearsal of Spamalot are available for purchase from Mr. Garrett Kline (who also took our cast photo).  Link to his website is:  http://pictures.bytesandpix. com/g/spamalot .

Oil City High School presents "Monty Python's Spamalot" Friday - Sunday, February 26-28th

Oil City High School presents its 42nd annual musical production, ā€œMonty Pythonā€™s SPAMALOT,ā€ Friday and Saturday, February 26th and 27th at 7:30 pm, and Sunday, February 28th at 2:00 pm in the high school auditorium.  Lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL, SPAMALOT retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, and features a bevy of beautiful show girls, not to mention cows, killer rabbits, and French people.  Tickets are $5 General Admission and can be purchased at the door, or in the middle school and high school offices.

Musical Rehearsal Tonight - CANCELLED

Due to today's cancellation of school, we will not have choreography rehearsal this evening.  Please take this time to review your lines, music, and steps for tomorrow's rehearsal.  Jacki will be in attendance on Friday night for dance notes.  The rehearsal schedule for the rest of the week is as follows: TUESDAY, 2/16: CANCELLED WEDNESDAY, 2/17: ACT II Review (Concentration on Scenes 9-11): 3:15 - 5:30 pm THURSDAY, 2/18: Act II Run-Through: 6:30 - 8:30 pm FRIDAY, 2/19: Act II Put Together with Orchestra and Tech: 6:30 - 9:30 pm SATURDAY, 2/20: Choreography - All Musical Numbers: 1:00 - 5:00 pm (On Stage) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Rehearsal this afternoon

We are still planning on holding Act II rehearsal this afternoon at 3:15.  We will continue to monitor weather, and will end early if we need to, or cancel.  Any decision about cancellation will be done by 2:15.  If you don't hear from Mr. Luxbacher, plan on rehearsing.  Contact with any questions. 

Tonight's Rehearsal

As of 5:00 pm, we are still planning on holding the Act I Put-Together this evening.  We will continue to monitor the weather, and should we need to end early, we will do so.  Obviously, use good judgement, and, if you absolutely cannot make it out this evening, please contact Mr. Luxbacher ASAP.


- All Cast is to be OFF BOOK by Monday, February 1.  No scripts will be allowed on stage after this time.  You may have them in the wings or in the house to study in between your times on stage. - Choreography for the next two weeks is from 2-5 pm at Studio 22 in Franklin. (340 Liberty Street, Franklin) Directions: Take Rt. 8 S into Franklin.  At the light by Advance Auto Parts, turn Left onto Liberty Street.  Stay on Liberty street.  Studio 22 is an old school house on the corner of 4th and Liberty. - If you have any questions or concerns, contact Jacki.  Contact information is in your school email. - Please understand that we are now less than a month from show.  Missing rehearsals (staging, choreo, music) may result in you being removed from scenes, songs, or dances.  Please continue to update the staff with conflicts, but be understanding if we need to make changes due to your lack of attendance. HELP NEEDED: We are in need of parent...

Choreography - 1/23/16

- Videos from last Saturday's rehearsal are now online under rehearsal materials.  My apologies for the delay - Rehearsal today is for the full cast for "Knights of the Round Table" from 1-4 pm.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

REMINDER: Polishing Rehearsal - 1/18/16

Just a reminder that musical rehearsal will be from 4:00 - 6:00 pm today.  We will be working on polishing Act I, Scenes 1-5.  Please plan accordingly.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.


REMINDER: Choreo tomorrow (Saturday, January16th)  is from 9-12 at high school for Arthur, Patsy, and Laker Girls.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Musical Rehearsal Tonight - CANCELLED

All after school and evening activities have been cancelled tonight at the high school.  Instead of the Act II Music Rehearsal scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday, January 13), we will block Act II, Scene 8 at 3:15 instead.  Only people with speaking parts in Act II, Scene 8 need attend.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Musical Schedule Now Complete

The schedule for the musical is now up and live on the website. You can access the calendar here: Please continue to update your conflicts, and please be aware that the schedule is subject to change.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.