
Showing posts from October, 2017

2018 District Chorus Participants

Congratulations to the 2018 PMEA District Chorus Participants: Lindsey Crabtree - Soprano 1 Shanay Jackson -Soprano 2 Katie Fye - Alto 2 Sid Cubbon - Tenor 1 Brentley Moffett - Bass 1 Truman Littler - Bass 1 Josh Masters - Bass 2 The District Chorus Festival will be held from January 25-27 at DuBois High School.

Musical - Rehearsal Schedule this Week (Week of 10/30/17)

THREE WEEKS UNTIL SHOW!!! NOTE: Tenth Period Rehearsals will be added once Mr. Luxbacher consults with the administration.  Please check your email Monday for that information. OFF BOOK NOVEMBER 1ST!!! Monday, October 30th: Polishing - Act II, Scenes 1-4: 4 - 6:00 pm We will run all scenes with notes We will catch up the students who missed Saturday's Choreo on the moves for "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out."  Check the rehearsal materials for video. Elves - we will rehearse choreography for Christmas at Higbee's this evening.  Please plan to attend rehearsal as well. Tuesday, October 31st: Polishing - Act II, Scenes 5-8: 4 - 6:00 pm To enable students who wish to trick or treat at 6:00 pm, students may wear their Halloween Costumes to practice tonight. We will run the scenes 5, 7 and 8 first, so the middle school ensemble students can leave early to prepare for Trick or Treating.  Students should plan to be picked up at 5:30 pm. Wednesday, Nove...

REMINDER - Musical T-Shirt Orders Due Thursday!

Shirt orders for “A Christmas Story” show shirts will be taken up through Thursday Night’s Rehearsal.  Cost is $10. Please put the money (Cash or check made out to OCASD) in an envelope marked with the student’s name and shirt size.  Youth sizes are available, though please mark as such on the envelope.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.  Shirts will be green with the Leg Lamp and Christmas Story Logo.

Musical Rehearsals - Week of 10/16/17

Monday:  Blocking - Act II Scene 8 (Full Cast): 4-6 pm Tuesday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 7: 4-6 pm Wednesday: Music Review: 3:15-5 pm Thursday: Act I Review: 7-9 pm We will be rehearsing the following parts of scenes to complete blocking on Act I: Act I, Scene 4 - Ralphie to the Rescue (We have marked it in the book, we now need to run the song and scene) Act I, Scene 8 - Act I Finale (We have marked the book and done some movement, we now need to go over and run down for continuity) Act I, Scene 5 - pp. 57-61 (Arrival of the leg lamp and through Major Award) Please check your scene breakdowns AND your script. Saturday:  Set Build Day: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm - if you or your parents can help, please let Mr. Luxbacher know.  Choreography: Tappers for You'll Shoot Your Eye Out 2-5 pm @ Studio 22 in Franklin (340 Liberty Street) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Musical Rehearsal Schedule for this Week

Monday: Blocking - Act II, Scenes 2 and 3 (4-6 pm) Just a clarification about today's rehearsal.  I do need everyone already scheduled for Act II, Scenes 2 and 3.  In addition, there were about 5 students I added to Mrs. Shield's Class at Saturday's rehearsal.  Those students also need to attend today.  Everyone else is good.  At first, I thought I needed the tappers for today, but what we were going to cover can be covered in Saturday's Choreo Rehearsal. As we will not be rehearsing dance today, there is a good chance we may be done early.  No guarantees. Tuesday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 6 (4-6 pm) Wednesday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 4 (3:15-5 pm) Thursday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 5 (4-6pm) Friday: No Rehearsal Saturday: Choreography (12-2 pm) First Half of Rehearsal: Major Award Run-Through and Clean (Act I, Scene 5) Second Half of Rehearsal: You'll Shoot Your Eye Out (Act II, Scene 2) If you are not scheduled for those sce...


Just a quick reminder that those students who are planning on participating in the Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival (grades 9-12), or who are wanting to be considered for District Chorus (grades 10-12) - Your paperwork is due tomorrow to Mr. Luxbacher.  Here is the paperwork you need for each festival: Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival - You first need to register online;these forms are emailed to you following registration: Permission Slip/Medical Form Photo Release Form District Chorus - These were emailed to you last week: Student Policy Acceptance Form (Fill in - you print and sign) Student Medical Form (Fill in - you print and sign) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.


We will be rehearsing Act II, Scene 1 today from 4-6 pm in the auditorium.  Please check your scene breakdown and make sure you are there if you are scheduled. Contact Mr.  Luxbacher with questions.

Clarification on This Afternoon's Rehearsal

Today's Rehearsal (October 2) is for All Cast Members scheduled for Act I, Scene 8.  If you are not scheduled for Scene 8, you do not need to attend.  Rehearsal will be from 4:00 - 5:30 tonight.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Rehearsal Schedule this week and Schedule Revision for Next Week

Monday: Full Cast Blocking - Act I, Scene 8: 4-5:30 pm Tuesday: Full Cast Blocking - Act I, Scene 4: 7-9 pm Wednesday: Music Rehearsal - Leads: 3:15-5:00 pm Thursday: Choreography - Old Man and Leg Lamps Only: 4-6 pm Saturday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 1: 4-6 pm (MS Kids and certain HS Cast) Monday, October 9th: Blocking - Act II, Scenes 2 and 3: 4-6pm (This was a misprint on the original Calendar) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.