
Showing posts from May, 2019

OCMA Picnic Inside Tonight

Due to the possibility of inclement weather,  we will be holding the picnic tonight in the high school cafeteria starting at 5pm.  Everything else will be the same.  Hope you can make it!

Change in Start Time - OCMA Picnic

Senior Awards will start at 5:00pm, with dinner immediately following.  Everything else stays the same.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.

OCMA Spring Picnic 2019

The Oil City Music Association will be hosting the annual spring music department picnic on Tuesday, May 28th at 5:30 pm in the OCMS Pavilion.  OCMA will provide fried chicken, drinks, and tableware.  Please bring folding chairs and a dish to share.  We are asking each class to provide the following: MS, Sophomore, and Senior Families - Bring a Side Dish or Salad Freshmen and Junior Families - Bring a Dessert Seniors will be recognized following dinner.  Please join us for an evening of celebrating the end of a great year, and contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.

OCMA Board of Directors - Remainder of 2018-2019 School Year

President - Chris Huff President Elect - Elizabeth Ames Secretary - Mary Hawkins Treasurer - Brenda Morse-Lee Members at Large - Stacey Plowman and Beth Stanish We are in need of 2 more people to fill the remaining member at large spots.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright if interested, and we will forward to Mrs. Huff.  Thanks to all who volunteered to serve!

Swing Out Court 2019

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2019 SWING OUT COURT: Queen Candidates: Lindsey Crabtree Kira Doutt Shanay Jackson Jordan McAdoo Maddison Neely Anissa Weller King Candidates: Christian Connors Ben Dobson Keith Hefferman Alex Nuhfer Ethan Smith Colton Sutley The 2019 Swing Out King and Queen will be crowned at the 72nd Annual Swing Out Saturday, May 11th at 7:30 pm in the High School Auditorium.  Tickets are $2 at the door.