
Showing posts from June, 2019

Oil City Middle and High School Choirs

A wonderful day of music today at the Franklin Blues and Barbecue festival.  A great performance by Un4Gettable.  Thanks to Max Shang, Doug Volmrich, Chip Abramovic, and all of the organizers of the festival for allowing us to perform and for their continued commitment to supporting music in the local schools.  Here’s to many more!

Small Ensemble Audition Results

Thank you to everyone who auditioned for the Quartets and Rhapsodies for the coming year.  The quality of the auditions was very high, and led to some hard decisions, especially in the quartets.  I think I have everyone included who submitted a recording and auditioned live for Rhapsodies.  If your name is not on the list for Rhapsodies, and you auditioned, please email me, and I will check my files again.   QUARTETS: Rehearsals for the coming year will take place starting in August.  Please keep an eye on your school email for updates and information. RHAPSODIES: Tentative date for the Rhapsody Retreat is Wednesday, August 21st.  Time will be from 10 to 2 pm.  Lunch will be provided.  Please make arrangements to be here for that day.   RHAPSODY IN BLUES 2019-2020 Soprano: Layla Hollis - 1 Emily Gates - 2 Lizzy Hoovler - 2 Bailey McMahon - 2 Breanna Terwilliger - 2 Chloe Terwilliger - 1 Claudia V...

Senior Plaques

Senior Band and Choir Plaques are ready to be picked up in the HS Choir Room.  Please stop by before either Baccalaureate tonight or Graduation tomorrow to claim them.

Senior Choir Report Times for Baccalaureate and Graduation

Report time for Senior Choir is 5:00pm.  Report for Thursday's Baccalaureate will be in the choir room.  Report for graduation will be on the football field.  You will need cap and gown for both.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.