
Showing posts from September, 2019


Homecoming Performance Tonight, Friday, September 27th - Choir Report Time is 5:45 in the choir room - Dress is Blue Jeans, Tennis Shoes, Oil City Logo Top, or Straight, Blue, White or Grey Top. - We will sing the National Anthem and Alma Mater as part of the Homecoming Pregame Festivities. - This is a required Performance (35% of the first nine weeks' grade) - Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

OCMA General Membership Meeting - Monday, September 9th

Oil City Music Association will hold its semi-annual general membership meeting Monday night, September 9th, at 6:00 pm in the HS Choir Room.  All parents and guardians of Oil  City Middle and High School bands and choirs (and Cranberry and VC members of the OMB) are invited to attend!  Contact Chris Huff or Elizabeth Ames with questions.