OCMA - Call for Officers
ATTENTION PARENTS AND GUARDIANS: Did you know that as a parent/guardian of a student involved in any of the Oil City High School bands or choirs that YOU ARE a member of the Oil City Music Association? The OCMA meets twice a year. The OCMA has an executive board consisting of 9-11 board members. Officers include President, president-elect, past president, secretary, and treasurer along with 4-6 members at large. Meetings occur every other month on the second Monday of the month at 6pm. If you are interested in becoming a member of the executive board or becoming an officer of the OCMA, please contact Elizabeth Ames @ momofcrfm@verizon.net or via facebook messenger by June 30. You may also contact Mr Luxbacher (sluxbacher@mail.ocasd.org) or Mr. Cartwright (dcartwright@mail.ocasd.org). Thank you!