Upcoming Rehearsals - Oil City High School Quartets and Rhapsody in Blues
I hope everyone had a good summer, and are at least starting to think about the coming year ahead. I would like to get the members of the quartets and Rhapsody in Blues together before the start of the school year to get ahead on the upcoming year’s music, as well come together as a group and get to know each other. I would like to meet with everyone on the following days:
MONDAY, AUGUST 17TH - QUARTET REHEARSALS: I would like to meet with 4Ward On! from 9 to 10:30 am, and 4 Quarters from 10:30 am to noon. Please bring your music with you, as we will be planning out the coming year. Let me know ASAP if you cannot make the Monday practice, so we can reschedule.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 18TH - RHAPSODY IN BLUES from 9:00 to 2:00 in the high school choir room. Lunch will be provided. We will be working on new music, as well as getting the new members up to speed on some of the favorite repertoire from past years. I would like to have everyone in attendance. If you have sports practices that day, please come before practice or after it is over.
Please contact Mr. Luxbacher (sluxbacher@mail.ocasd.org) if you have a scheduling conflict, or need to work around a practice. Look forward to seeing you next week!
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