The Official Blog of Mr. Steve Luxbacher - Music Teacher at Oil City Middle and High School. See the side menu to the left for more information.
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via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
Thank you for your patience with regards to the musical schedule. I have put the first week up on the calendar, and the rest should be soon to follow. Cast, Crew, Orchestra, and Parents are welcome to access this calendar as well. CAST MEMBERS: If your conflicts have changed for any week starting January 8th, please let me know ASAP! Looking forward to getting started on January 9th! Link to the Calendar HERE .
President - Chris Huff President Elect - Elizabeth Ames Secretary - Mary Hawkins Treasurer - Brenda Morse-Lee Members at Large - Stacey Plowman and Beth Stanish We are in need of 2 more people to fill the remaining member at large spots. Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright if interested, and we will forward to Mrs. Huff. Thanks to all who volunteered to serve!
The Oil City Music Department is a very active group, and the directors and music teachers are extremely dedicated to their respective programs. However, they are in need of parent support, in the form of volunteers, organizational talents, and as a vocal influence on policymakers and administrators, to “spread the word,” if you will, about the positive things going on in our music department, which not only benefit your children, but the community as a whole. Being a citizen in the Oil City Area School District, and/or having a student in the band, choir, or musicals allows you to be a member of our organization. You can be as active as you desire, with our general meeting twice a year, and most committees meeting rarely at the discretion of the board and directors. The Oil City Music Association will hold a parents' meeting on this Monday, September 16th at 6:00 pm in the high school choir ro...
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