
Showing posts from November, 2017


Club’s Choice Pickup will take place from the end of school Thursday until 5:00 pm.  Students with small orders are encouraged to take their orders home on the bus, and those with larger orders to pick their orders up after school.  All orders need to be picked up prior to 5:00 pm.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.

Just a quick reminder that tour permission slips are due Monday for A Cappella Choir and Rhapsody in Blues for the performance at Trinity on Tuesday, as well as the Elementary Tour on December 8th. Forms are in the student email accounts and can be filled electronically, but must be printed and signed by a parent. Please contact Mr. Luxbacher with any questions.

from Oil City Middle and High School Choirs via IFTTT

Just a quick reminder that tour permission slips are due Monday for A Cappella Choir and Rhapsody in Blues for the performance at Trinity on Tuesday, as well as the Elementary Tour on December 8th. Forms are in the student email accounts, and can be filled electronically, but must be printed and signed by a parent. Please contact Mr. Luxbacher with any questions.

from Oil City Middle and High School Choirs via IFTTT

Oil City High School Presents its 44th Annual Musical Production, "A Christmas Story - The Musical" this Friday and Saturday, November 17th and 18th at 8:00 pm in the High School Auditorium. Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased at the door, or in the high school or middle school office Friday. Hope to see you there!

via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs

Show Weekend Information

IT'S SHOWTIME!!!  Excellent Performance today for the elementary kids, and final dress afterwards.  Hopefully you are relaxing tonight and preparing for the weekend ahead.  A couple of reminders about the upcoming performances: SHOW NIGHT:  - Makeup will officially open at 5:00 Friday and Saturday Night in the MS Cafeteria.  Ms. Heath is planning on staying through, so if you need extra help with hair, please come early.  She is planning on being available starting at 4:30 for anyone needing extra help with hair.  Those of the older students with make up experience, please be available to help the younger ones once you are ready. - Warmup and Circle will take place around 7:20 each night.  Crew and Orchestra will be joining us after warm-up for circle. - Show begins at 8:00! - Please take off your final costume before meeting the audience in the lobby. - Please clear the stage of your costume items, and return all prop items to their st...

Parents Needed to Work Ticket Booth and Flower Delivery!

The High School Musical is in need of parents to work both the ticket booth and the Double Bloom Table for flower delivery this Friday and Saturday Night, November 17th and 18th.  Report time would be 7:00, with box office and flower delivery opening at 7:15.  In addition, parents will be needed to help with flowers again at intermission.  Please contact Mr. Luxbacher ASAP if you are able to assist.  Thank you!

Musical Rehearsals This Week - Week of 11/6

WE ARE 10 REHEARSALS UNTIL OPENING NIGHT!!! Moving forward, we need ALL CAST at all assigned rehearsals.  The success of the production rests on everyone being here, and working to their fullest potential from here on out.  Here is the schedule this week: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6: Act I Clean-up:  7:00 - 9:00 pm We will concentrate on Act I, Scenes 5-8 (Major Award, Car, and Finale of Act I) Cast members not in these scenes do not need to report this evening.  Please check your breakdown and ask Mr. Luxbacher if you are not sure. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7: PERIOD 10: Ralphie to the Rescue Students who are not committed in lab or a class should report to the auditorium period 10 to review Ralphie to the Rescue TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7: Act II Clean-up: 4:00 - 6:00 pm We will run and clean all of Act II this evening.  All cast members are expected to attend. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8: Final Music Review: 3:15 - 5:00 pm We will review all production nu...

Parent - Teacher Conferences - Friday, November 10th

As most of your know, Friday, November 10th has been reserved in the school district as parent-teacher conference day.  If you would like to schedule a time to meet to discuss your student's progress, questions regarding the general music classes or choirs, or ideas for the program going forward, please feel free to contact me at  or 814-676-2771 x.2029 to schedule a 15 minute time slot between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM.  As always, I am available for email contact at any time to answer questions or concerns, but this would provide us an opportunity to meet face to face.  If you are reading this on social media, please contact the email or phone above, as I don't always receive Facebook Messenger chats or Twitter Posts.  Thank you.   Mr. Luxbacher

Junior High District Chorus

The Pennsylvania Music Educators Association, is adding a new choral festival this January especially for those students in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade.  The festival will take place on Monday, January 15th (a school in-service day for OC) at the Barrow Civic Theatre in Franklin, and will feature a treble choir (female and unchanged male voices) conducted by Dr. Ryan Beeken, director of choral activities from IUP, and a changed male voice choir, conducted by Dr. Craig Dennison, also from IUP.  Both directors have conducted High School Festivals for PMEA, and students will have a great time working with them.   We have the opportunity of sending up to 30 students from the middle school and high school to this festival (15 from middle, 15 from high school).  Students from grades 7-9 should complete the paperwork that was emailed to them and return to Mr. Luxbacher no later than Wednesday, November 8th.  Once students turn in their paperwork, they will be asked...