Show Weekend Information
IT'S SHOWTIME!!! Excellent Performance today for the elementary kids, and final dress afterwards. Hopefully you are relaxing tonight and preparing for the weekend ahead. A couple of reminders about the upcoming performances:
- Makeup will officially open at 5:00 Friday and Saturday Night in the MS Cafeteria. Ms. Heath is planning on staying through, so if you need extra help with hair, please come early. She is planning on being available starting at 4:30 for anyone needing extra help with hair. Those of the older students with make up experience, please be available to help the younger ones once you are ready.
- Warmup and Circle will take place around 7:20 each night. Crew and Orchestra will be joining us after warm-up for circle.
- Show begins at 8:00!
- Please take off your final costume before meeting the audience in the lobby.
- Please clear the stage of your costume items, and return all prop items to their starting placement prior to leaving the building after show/
- Tyler Hare and Nicole Anthony are organizing a post-show dinner at Rocko's after the Friday night show. Information is in your email. All food must be preordered, and will be paid for when you arrive at Rocko's. Please tip well, as they are extending their hours to accommodate our late arrival.
- Cast Party will take place at the YWCA after the show on Saturday night. YWCA is donating the space to us, and they will stay open for us until a little after midnight. Please plan to bring something to share. Cups, Plates, and Silverware would be helpful. Please let Tyler and Nicole know what you are bringing sometime before the end of the show on Friday, so we make sure there is enough for everyone.
- Makeup will officially open at 5:00 Friday and Saturday Night in the MS Cafeteria. Ms. Heath is planning on staying through, so if you need extra help with hair, please come early. She is planning on being available starting at 4:30 for anyone needing extra help with hair. Those of the older students with make up experience, please be available to help the younger ones once you are ready.
- Warmup and Circle will take place around 7:20 each night. Crew and Orchestra will be joining us after warm-up for circle.
- Show begins at 8:00!
- Please take off your final costume before meeting the audience in the lobby.
- Please clear the stage of your costume items, and return all prop items to their starting placement prior to leaving the building after show/
- Tyler Hare and Nicole Anthony are organizing a post-show dinner at Rocko's after the Friday night show. Information is in your email. All food must be preordered, and will be paid for when you arrive at Rocko's. Please tip well, as they are extending their hours to accommodate our late arrival.
- Cast Party will take place at the YWCA after the show on Saturday night. YWCA is donating the space to us, and they will stay open for us until a little after midnight. Please plan to bring something to share. Cups, Plates, and Silverware would be helpful. Please let Tyler and Nicole know what you are bringing sometime before the end of the show on Friday, so we make sure there is enough for everyone.
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