HS Choir Picture Day this Thursday!
Jim Ellis from Jim Ellis Photography will be in this Thursday to take group and individual shots of the High School Choirs and their members during their choir period. Students who normally wear hooded sweatshirts to school should have a shirt on under it for this day so they can remove the hoodie before putting on their choir robe. Students should have brought home a form last week with the pricing and information. If you need another copy, there are links to both sides of the form at the bottom of this posting. Please fill out the form and enclose in an envelope with payment (Checks need to be made out to Jim Ellis Photography), and submit on photo day. Contact Mr. Luxbacher with any questions.
Page 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4nakpnwJDnIaTNYYjF5a3UxVEVUZGFTTmQzSl9IZFJIbFFB
Page 2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4nakpnwJDnIajd4dDRsSU9mMjNlQ3Y3OTdvbXp3dkd2UUx3
Page 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4nakpnwJDnIaTNYYjF5a3UxVEVUZGFTTmQzSl9IZFJIbFFB
Page 2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4nakpnwJDnIajd4dDRsSU9mMjNlQ3Y3OTdvbXp3dkd2UUx3
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