Trip Intent Forms and Change of Pricing for Multiple Students in One Family

OCMA Statements of Account and Trip Intent forms for the 2019 music department trip to Williamsburg, Va went out to the band students grades 8 and above, and to the high school choir members on Wednesday and Thursday last week.  Trip intent forms are due back with down payment to Mr. Cartwright or Mr. Luxbacher by Monday, October 15th.  Students should deduct their current account balance (if applicable) from their down payment before submitting.

To help families with multiple students participating in the spring trip, we are lowering the initial down payment to $150 each for those students only, with the difference to be made up in future payments.  Single student families and chaperone down payments remain at $240.  Checks should be made out to the Oil City Music Association.

All students in HS Band and Choir, and students in 8th Grade Marching Band and Bandfront should submit a completed trip intent form, regardless of whether or not the student is planning on attending the trip.  This is a 5 point assignment for the high school choirs.  Obviously, students opting NOT to attend the trip need not submit payment with form.

Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.

Link to Trip Information and Trip Intent Form:


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