Musical Rehearsal Schedule This Week - UPDATED
Due to today's school cancellation, we will not be having musical this evening at 6:30. Please take some time today to go over lines, choreography, blocking, etc. so we are ready to go tomorrow afternoon. The schedule this week will be adjusted slightly:
Wednesday (2/19) - 3:15 - 5:30 pm: Polishing Act I, Scenes 6-10 - if time, work Act II, Scenes 1-3
Thursday (2/20) - 6:30 - 8:30 pm: Polishing Act I, Scenes 1-5 (FULL CAST MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE!! WE WILL BE RECONFIGURING ACT I, SCENE 1)
Friday (2/21) - 3:15 - 5:30 pm: Polishing Act II (We will get through as much as we can. Provided we can do some work on Act II Friday, we should be able to get through everything. If not, we will make sure to at least get through Scene 5 for full cast)
Saturday (2/22) - 2:00 - 5:00 pm: Choreography - Luck Be a Lady and Crapshooter's Dance
We will be building set pieces tomorrow (2/19) (namely the newsstand). Anyone who has a study hall, who would be willing to help Mr. Ramage build, please email me today, so I know who I have to help him. Thanks!
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