
Showing posts from 2017

Tonight's Concert will be Livestreamed!

Tonight's Holiday Concert will be livestreamed on Oil City High School's YouTube site.  You can access the concert feed at: Thanks to the High School Media Department for covering tonight's event.

High School Holiday Concert TONIGHT!!!

Oil City High School Music Department presents its annual Holiday Concert tonight, Wednesday, December 20th, at 7:30 pm in the High School Auditorium.  Admission is a canned good or non-perishable food item that we be donated to local food pantries. Report time for Choirs is 6:45 pm.  Dress is: A Cappella Choir: Dress Clothes Under Robes Women's Choir: Black Dresses, Scarves, Dress Shoes Men's Choir: Black Shirt, Black Pants, Black Dress Shoes, White Bow Tie and Suspenders Rhapsodies and Quartets: Rhapsodies Gear

Boxes needed for Wednesday’s Holiday Concert

Mr. Luxbacher and Mr. Cartwright are in need of medium to large cardboard boxes (paper box size) to collect canned goods for Wednesday Night’s HS Holiday Concert.  If you have any boxes you might be willing to donate to the cause, you can drop them off at the high school office prior to Wednesday night’s concert.  Thank you in advance for your help!


Club’s Choice Pickup will take place from the end of school Thursday until 5:00 pm.  Students with small orders are encouraged to take their orders home on the bus, and those with larger orders to pick their orders up after school.  All orders need to be picked up prior to 5:00 pm.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.

Just a quick reminder that tour permission slips are due Monday for A Cappella Choir and Rhapsody in Blues for the performance at Trinity on Tuesday, as well as the Elementary Tour on December 8th. Forms are in the student email accounts and can be filled electronically, but must be printed and signed by a parent. Please contact Mr. Luxbacher with any questions.

from Oil City Middle and High School Choirs via IFTTT

Just a quick reminder that tour permission slips are due Monday for A Cappella Choir and Rhapsody in Blues for the performance at Trinity on Tuesday, as well as the Elementary Tour on December 8th. Forms are in the student email accounts, and can be filled electronically, but must be printed and signed by a parent. Please contact Mr. Luxbacher with any questions.

from Oil City Middle and High School Choirs via IFTTT

Oil City High School Presents its 44th Annual Musical Production, "A Christmas Story - The Musical" this Friday and Saturday, November 17th and 18th at 8:00 pm in the High School Auditorium. Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased at the door, or in the high school or middle school office Friday. Hope to see you there!

via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs

Show Weekend Information

IT'S SHOWTIME!!!  Excellent Performance today for the elementary kids, and final dress afterwards.  Hopefully you are relaxing tonight and preparing for the weekend ahead.  A couple of reminders about the upcoming performances: SHOW NIGHT:  - Makeup will officially open at 5:00 Friday and Saturday Night in the MS Cafeteria.  Ms. Heath is planning on staying through, so if you need extra help with hair, please come early.  She is planning on being available starting at 4:30 for anyone needing extra help with hair.  Those of the older students with make up experience, please be available to help the younger ones once you are ready. - Warmup and Circle will take place around 7:20 each night.  Crew and Orchestra will be joining us after warm-up for circle. - Show begins at 8:00! - Please take off your final costume before meeting the audience in the lobby. - Please clear the stage of your costume items, and return all prop items to their st...

Parents Needed to Work Ticket Booth and Flower Delivery!

The High School Musical is in need of parents to work both the ticket booth and the Double Bloom Table for flower delivery this Friday and Saturday Night, November 17th and 18th.  Report time would be 7:00, with box office and flower delivery opening at 7:15.  In addition, parents will be needed to help with flowers again at intermission.  Please contact Mr. Luxbacher ASAP if you are able to assist.  Thank you!

Musical Rehearsals This Week - Week of 11/6

WE ARE 10 REHEARSALS UNTIL OPENING NIGHT!!! Moving forward, we need ALL CAST at all assigned rehearsals.  The success of the production rests on everyone being here, and working to their fullest potential from here on out.  Here is the schedule this week: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6: Act I Clean-up:  7:00 - 9:00 pm We will concentrate on Act I, Scenes 5-8 (Major Award, Car, and Finale of Act I) Cast members not in these scenes do not need to report this evening.  Please check your breakdown and ask Mr. Luxbacher if you are not sure. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7: PERIOD 10: Ralphie to the Rescue Students who are not committed in lab or a class should report to the auditorium period 10 to review Ralphie to the Rescue TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7: Act II Clean-up: 4:00 - 6:00 pm We will run and clean all of Act II this evening.  All cast members are expected to attend. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8: Final Music Review: 3:15 - 5:00 pm We will review all production nu...

Parent - Teacher Conferences - Friday, November 10th

As most of your know, Friday, November 10th has been reserved in the school district as parent-teacher conference day.  If you would like to schedule a time to meet to discuss your student's progress, questions regarding the general music classes or choirs, or ideas for the program going forward, please feel free to contact me at  or 814-676-2771 x.2029 to schedule a 15 minute time slot between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM.  As always, I am available for email contact at any time to answer questions or concerns, but this would provide us an opportunity to meet face to face.  If you are reading this on social media, please contact the email or phone above, as I don't always receive Facebook Messenger chats or Twitter Posts.  Thank you.   Mr. Luxbacher

Junior High District Chorus

The Pennsylvania Music Educators Association, is adding a new choral festival this January especially for those students in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade.  The festival will take place on Monday, January 15th (a school in-service day for OC) at the Barrow Civic Theatre in Franklin, and will feature a treble choir (female and unchanged male voices) conducted by Dr. Ryan Beeken, director of choral activities from IUP, and a changed male voice choir, conducted by Dr. Craig Dennison, also from IUP.  Both directors have conducted High School Festivals for PMEA, and students will have a great time working with them.   We have the opportunity of sending up to 30 students from the middle school and high school to this festival (15 from middle, 15 from high school).  Students from grades 7-9 should complete the paperwork that was emailed to them and return to Mr. Luxbacher no later than Wednesday, November 8th.  Once students turn in their paperwork, they will be asked...

2018 District Chorus Participants

Congratulations to the 2018 PMEA District Chorus Participants: Lindsey Crabtree - Soprano 1 Shanay Jackson -Soprano 2 Katie Fye - Alto 2 Sid Cubbon - Tenor 1 Brentley Moffett - Bass 1 Truman Littler - Bass 1 Josh Masters - Bass 2 The District Chorus Festival will be held from January 25-27 at DuBois High School.

Musical - Rehearsal Schedule this Week (Week of 10/30/17)

THREE WEEKS UNTIL SHOW!!! NOTE: Tenth Period Rehearsals will be added once Mr. Luxbacher consults with the administration.  Please check your email Monday for that information. OFF BOOK NOVEMBER 1ST!!! Monday, October 30th: Polishing - Act II, Scenes 1-4: 4 - 6:00 pm We will run all scenes with notes We will catch up the students who missed Saturday's Choreo on the moves for "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out."  Check the rehearsal materials for video. Elves - we will rehearse choreography for Christmas at Higbee's this evening.  Please plan to attend rehearsal as well. Tuesday, October 31st: Polishing - Act II, Scenes 5-8: 4 - 6:00 pm To enable students who wish to trick or treat at 6:00 pm, students may wear their Halloween Costumes to practice tonight. We will run the scenes 5, 7 and 8 first, so the middle school ensemble students can leave early to prepare for Trick or Treating.  Students should plan to be picked up at 5:30 pm. Wednesday, Nove...

REMINDER - Musical T-Shirt Orders Due Thursday!

Shirt orders for “A Christmas Story” show shirts will be taken up through Thursday Night’s Rehearsal.  Cost is $10. Please put the money (Cash or check made out to OCASD) in an envelope marked with the student’s name and shirt size.  Youth sizes are available, though please mark as such on the envelope.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.  Shirts will be green with the Leg Lamp and Christmas Story Logo.

Musical Rehearsals - Week of 10/16/17

Monday:  Blocking - Act II Scene 8 (Full Cast): 4-6 pm Tuesday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 7: 4-6 pm Wednesday: Music Review: 3:15-5 pm Thursday: Act I Review: 7-9 pm We will be rehearsing the following parts of scenes to complete blocking on Act I: Act I, Scene 4 - Ralphie to the Rescue (We have marked it in the book, we now need to run the song and scene) Act I, Scene 8 - Act I Finale (We have marked the book and done some movement, we now need to go over and run down for continuity) Act I, Scene 5 - pp. 57-61 (Arrival of the leg lamp and through Major Award) Please check your scene breakdowns AND your script. Saturday:  Set Build Day: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm - if you or your parents can help, please let Mr. Luxbacher know.  Choreography: Tappers for You'll Shoot Your Eye Out 2-5 pm @ Studio 22 in Franklin (340 Liberty Street) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Musical Rehearsal Schedule for this Week

Monday: Blocking - Act II, Scenes 2 and 3 (4-6 pm) Just a clarification about today's rehearsal.  I do need everyone already scheduled for Act II, Scenes 2 and 3.  In addition, there were about 5 students I added to Mrs. Shield's Class at Saturday's rehearsal.  Those students also need to attend today.  Everyone else is good.  At first, I thought I needed the tappers for today, but what we were going to cover can be covered in Saturday's Choreo Rehearsal. As we will not be rehearsing dance today, there is a good chance we may be done early.  No guarantees. Tuesday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 6 (4-6 pm) Wednesday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 4 (3:15-5 pm) Thursday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 5 (4-6pm) Friday: No Rehearsal Saturday: Choreography (12-2 pm) First Half of Rehearsal: Major Award Run-Through and Clean (Act I, Scene 5) Second Half of Rehearsal: You'll Shoot Your Eye Out (Act II, Scene 2) If you are not scheduled for those sce...


Just a quick reminder that those students who are planning on participating in the Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival (grades 9-12), or who are wanting to be considered for District Chorus (grades 10-12) - Your paperwork is due tomorrow to Mr. Luxbacher.  Here is the paperwork you need for each festival: Pittsburgh Youth Harmony Festival - You first need to register online;these forms are emailed to you following registration: Permission Slip/Medical Form Photo Release Form District Chorus - These were emailed to you last week: Student Policy Acceptance Form (Fill in - you print and sign) Student Medical Form (Fill in - you print and sign) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.


We will be rehearsing Act II, Scene 1 today from 4-6 pm in the auditorium.  Please check your scene breakdown and make sure you are there if you are scheduled. Contact Mr.  Luxbacher with questions.

Clarification on This Afternoon's Rehearsal

Today's Rehearsal (October 2) is for All Cast Members scheduled for Act I, Scene 8.  If you are not scheduled for Scene 8, you do not need to attend.  Rehearsal will be from 4:00 - 5:30 tonight.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Rehearsal Schedule this week and Schedule Revision for Next Week

Monday: Full Cast Blocking - Act I, Scene 8: 4-5:30 pm Tuesday: Full Cast Blocking - Act I, Scene 4: 7-9 pm Wednesday: Music Rehearsal - Leads: 3:15-5:00 pm Thursday: Choreography - Old Man and Leg Lamps Only: 4-6 pm Saturday: Blocking - Act II, Scene 1: 4-6 pm (MS Kids and certain HS Cast) Monday, October 9th: Blocking - Act II, Scenes 2 and 3: 4-6pm (This was a misprint on the original Calendar) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Musical Updates

1.  There will be no rehearsal tonight, Friday, September 29th.   2.  Choreography Practice this Saturday is for Act I, Scene 5, "A Major Award," from 9-11 AM 3.  If have changed your conflict calendar since last week, or are planning on changing your calendar going forward, please also email Mr. Luxbacher with that change when you make it.  Once the schedule is set, the calendars are used to confirm conflicts when an absence occurs.  Please remind me the day before if you are planning on missing a rehearsal. 4.  Leg Lamps for Major Award: Catherine Buchanan, Courtney Crabtree, Lindsey Crabtree, Jillian Kutchravy, Lucy Mancini-Liebmann, Destiny Weiser. 5.  Tappers for You'll Shoot Your Eye Out: Catherine Buchanan, Lillie Heise, Courtney Crabtree, Lindsey Crabtree, Destiny Weiser

OCMA Fundraiser 1 - Club's Choice

Information comes out today for OCMA's first fundraiser of the year: Club's Choice.  Orders will be taken starting today and will be due with money on Monday, October 16th.  Delivery will be November 30th from 3-5 pm (note change from the fundraiser packet).  Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.

Musical Rehearsal Schedule is now Live

The Full Production Schedule for "A Christmas Story" is now up and online on Mr. Luxbacher's Teacher Page ( ).  You can access the quick view by going to the main page, and looking on the sidebar under "Music Department Upcoming Events."  You can also access the full monthly calendar by going to the following website: .  In addition, you can download the calendar on your personal device by going to: Contact Mr. Luxbacher with Questions.

HS CHOIR REMINDER: Music Theory Assignment #1 Due Tonight

Just a quick reminder that Music Theory Assignment #1 is due tonight by 11:59 pm.  The assignment can be found on the Google Classroom Site for your class.  If you are not already signed up for the class you may do so by either accepting the invitation in your email, or by logging to  with your school email account and adding the class by code: Men's Choir: ks1rpjx Women's Choir: upix8bk A Cappella Choir: 1fk5gsn Please contact Mr. Luxbacher with any questions.

Musical Rehearsal Schedule: Week of 9/18/17

Monday:  Music Rehearsal - HS Students Only 4:00-6:00 pm Tuesday: Music Rehearsal - Singing Leads / Elves 4:00 - 6:00 pm Wednesday: Music Rehearsal - MS Students Only: 3:15 - 5: 00 pm Thursday: Full Cast Music / Dance Auditions - All Cast Members 4:00 - 6:00 pm (NOTE: Jacki will be here at 4:00 Thursday to audition any students interested in being the dancing leg lamps for "Major Award" and solo/small group tappers for "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out") Friday: No Rehearsal Saturday: Full Cast Blocking - Act I, Scene 1 2:00 - 5:00 pm Contact Mr, Luxbacher with questions. 9 Weeks until Opening Night!!! PARENTS:  If you would like to be added to the HS Musical Group Email list, contact Mr. Luxbacher and he will add you.


Saturday's Music Rehearsal is for all MS Students Only.  Rehearsal will be from 1-3 pm in the High School Choir Room.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

A Christmas Story - Cast List

A Christmas Story - Cast List First of all, THANK YOU for your interest and preparation for the audition process.  It seems as the years go on, the quality of auditions has increased exponentially, and the process to cast the show has become increasingly harder.  When so many people audition for a show, and at the level you all did, it is impossible to cast each person in the role he or she wants.  However, remember that every part is a “lead” part.  It is how you approach your role that makes or breaks the show.  The smallest part can be the one that earns you your “fifteen minutes of fame…”  IF YOU AUDITIONED FOR THE SHOW, AND YOUR NAME DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE CAST LIST BELOW SOMEWHERE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP! We will start rehearsals on Tuesday afternoon, September 12th , from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.  We will read through the scripts and listen to as much of the show music as possible. It is important that you be there for this rehearsal. ...


Auditions for Christmas Story will be this Tuesday, September 5th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm, and on Thursday, September 7th, from 4:00-6:00 pm, and from 7:00-9:00 pm. If you are auditioning, plan to have a ride. You only need to be at one of these audition sessions. Audition Information for the musical, as well as details on how to access the audition materials can be found at the high school choir webpage.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions or if you are unable to access the materials:

Open Positions - Rhapsody in Blues and Men's Quartet

The following openings are available in the Rhapsody in Blues and Men's Quartets: RHAPSODY IN BLUES: Bass 1 or Bass 2 MEN'S QUARTET: All positions open Auditions for these positions will take place during the week of September 5th.   Basses interested in auditioning for Rhapsody in Blues will prepare "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."  Students will make an appointment with Mr. Luxbacher to audition with full mix recording, singing their part.  Audition materials for RIBs audition can be found here: Auditions for Men's Quartet will take place next Wednesday, September 6th during 10th period.  Students will prepare as many parts in the Tag "Smile" as they are able.  Students will then sing with the current quartet members to determine final voicing.  Audition materials for Men's Quartet can be found here:

Oil City High School Presents, "A Christmas Story - The Musical"

Oil City High School Presents its 42nd annual musical production, "A Christmas Story - The Musical" on November 17 and 18, 2017 at 8:00 pm.  Tickets will be $5 and can be purchased at the door. Auditions for the show will be next Tuesday, September 5th at 7:00 pm, and Thursday, September 7th, from 4:00-6:00 pm, and from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.  Audition materials will be posted by the end of the day tomorrow, Wednesday, August 30th.  All students at Oil City Middle/High School and Venango Catholic High School grades 5-12 are encouraged to audition.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Parents! Sign Up for the Oil City Middle / High School Choir Parent Email Group!

If you have a student in the Middle School or High School Choir, and would like to receive regular updates regarding upcoming events, please follow the link to our google form and enter your contact information: Please contact Mr. Luxbacher if you have any issues.

Rebels of Rhythm - YBQC Competition Video

The Barbershop Harmony Society has recently released The Rebels of Rhythm's competition video from the International Youth Barbershop Quartet Contest in Las Vegas.  Congrats again to our young men who represented us well!

Venango Chorus Information

From Mrs.  Beth Orris, Director of the Venango Chorus: Attention all who love to sing!  Venango Chorus will start its Fall Semester on Monday, September 11th.  Chorus meets at the Good Hope Lutheran Church at 800 Moran Street, Oil City.  Chorus starts at 7:30pm and ends at 9:30pm. This semester we will be celebrating an international Christmas with classical music by Verdi, Handel, and Pachelbel.  Our secular portion of the concert will feature songs from France, Spain, "Amahl and the Night Visitors" by Carlos Menotti, and other classic Christmas music. Come join us for a great semester!  Registration information will be available on our first night.

For those who might be interested...

From our Sweet Adeline's Coach, Mrs. Linda Wrhen: Allegheny Sounds Chorus is announcing our 2017 program to share our hobby with local women.  It's called "Sing with the Sounds" and will give women an opportunity to sing 4-part harmony in the barbershop style.  The program will be held every Tuesday night beginning August 29 at the Rocky Grove Ave. Presbyterian Church, 321 Rocky Grove Avenue in Franklin.  We'll meet from 7-9 PM followed by refreshments.  Participants will learn music together, improve their vocal skills, and enjoy the fun of singing close harmony with an established Sweet Adeline Chorus under the direction of Linda Wrhen.  For information and to reserve a spot on the risers, contact Linda on Facebook.  The program will conclude with a show on September 26.  If you like to sing, you won't want to miss this!

Rhapsody in Blues Retreat 2017

The Annual Rhapsody in Blues Retreat will take place on W ednesday, August 23 rd  from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in the high school choir room.  Lunch will be provided.  We will be working on new music, as well as getting the new members up to speed on some of the favorite repertoire from past years.  All members for the coming year are expected to be in attendance.  If you have practices that day, please come before practice or after it is over.   Please let me know if you are in that situation.  Congratulations again on your membership, and I look forward to seeing you on the 23rd!

Parents - Update Your Information on MS/HS Choir Remind and Email Groups

With the new school year approaching, it is time for parents to update their contact information on our choir email group and Remind contact list.   EMAIL GROUPS: Subscribing to Email Group: Go to the group page you to which you want to subscribe: High School Parent List: Middle School Parent List: NOTE: You will need a gmail account to login.  You can then request membership in the group. Leaving Email Groups: To unsubscribe to the Google Email Groups send an email to: High School Choir Parent List - Middle School Chorus Parent List - REMIND.COM UPDATES: Adding Remind Updates : HS Choir Parents: Text  @hschorpa to 81010 MS Choir Parents: Text  @mschorpa to 81010 Leaving Updates: To leave a sp...

Help the Rebels of Rhythm Compete at Internationals!

The Rebels of Rhythm have set up a fundraising campaign on to help finish funding their trip to the International Youth Barbershop Quartet Competition in Las Vegas July 4th.  Details can be found at the link below, and all proceeds will go the quartet to fund their endeavor.  We thank all of those who have donated to this point, and ask that you consider helping out if you are able.  Thank you in advance!

Seniors: Dress for Tonight

SENIORS:  Dress for tonight's Baccalaureate Service is dress clothes and your cap and gown.  Feel free to wear your regalia with your gown.  See you at 5:00.

Senior Choir - Report Times

Senior Choir - Report Times this Week: Thursday, June 8th - Baccalaureate - Report 5:00 in Choir Room Friday, June 9th - Graduation - Report 4:45 at Stadium for Sound Check.  If inside, 5:00 in the choir room.

Rhapsody in Blues Results 2017-2018`

OIL CITY HIGH SCHOOL RHAPSODY IN BLUES 2017-2018 AUDITION RESULTS First of all, THANK YOU for auditioning.  Lots of great voices who stuck their necks out to tryout for the group.  The results are posted below.  Thank you so much for your work in preparing for the auditions. NOTE: RIBs MEMBERS  WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR ACTIVITY 10 TH PERIOD.  FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES WILL BE WITH US WHEN YOU ARE NOT SCHEDULED FOR LITERATURE/BIO/ALGEBRA LAB. SOPRANOS: Nicole Anthony (II) Lindsey Crabtree (I) Courtney Crabtree (I) Layla Hollis (I) Lizzy Hoovler (II) Shanay Jackson (II) Chrystal Myers (II) Chloe Terwilliger (II) ALTOS: Kiara Dignard (II) Kaitlyn Emick (I) Alyssa Garvey (II) Riley Hart (I) Annie Lenze (II) Jenna Loll (I) Hayley  Ochs (I) Caroline Stevens (II) Cassidy Webb (II) TENORS: Sid Cubbon (II) – Conditional Alexandra Dobson (I) Katherine Fye (I) Tyler Hare (II) BASSES: Lorin DeGroat ...

REMINDER: Music Department Picnic Tomorrow

Reminder!!!  Music Dept. family picnic is tomorrow (Tuesday May 23rd) at 5pm at the pavillion behind the middle school.  Chicken, drinks and place settings provided.  Please bring a dish to share...Last names A-M salads/sides/casseroles.  N-Z desserts.  Folding chairs or blankets are helpful too.  Hope to see everyone there!!!  ♫

Recent Picture Posts

Our apologies for the large amount of emails with photos this morning.  To help get information across social media, we use a platform called If This Then That ( to allow us to post to one site, and have the information go out to all of our outlets, including student and parent email.  When one of our choir parents posted photos of the Swing Out concert to the Facebook page this morning, we did not realize that the email applet was on, which was why you received the emails.  Please accept our apologies, and know that feature has now been turned off for the time being.  However, please also enjoy the photos, and more will be posted to the Facebook and Twitter pages soon!
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs
via Oil City Middle and High School Choirs