Middle School and High School Holiday Concert Information

    The students of the Oil City Middle and Senior High School Bands and Choirs are excited to present to you their annual holiday concerts next week.  We are especially excited since this will be the first set of concerts we have performed in the high school auditorium since the holiday concerts of 2019.  We know that you will enjoy the fruits of the students’ labor.

    In preparation for these performances next week, we would like to review report times and dress code with you, in case your student has not passed along the information.  Information is below:


·        Report time for students is 6:30 pm

·        Dress is dress shoes, black dress pants, and white dress shirt for all groups.  Men are encouraged to wear ties, and women are welcome to wear a tie or scarf if they wish (can be holiday themed).  Santa hats can be worn by the chorus during the final number.

·        Concert is free and open to the public.  Masking / social distancing policy is below.  If students are masked, black/dark masks are encouraged

·        Concert should be completed no later than 8:45 pm


·        Report time for students is 6:45 pm

·        Dress for the band is dress shoes, black dress pants, and white dress shirt.  Men are encouraged to wear ties, and women are welcome to wear a tie or scarf if they wish (can be holiday themed).

·        Dress for the choir is their choir robes, with dress clothes being worn underneath

·        Concert admission is a canned good or non-perishable food item that we will donate to a local food pantry.  Masking / social distancing policy is below. If students are masked, black/dark masks are encouraged.

·        Concert should be completed no later than 9:30 pm


If your student does not have appropriate clothes for the concert, please let us know by the end of this week, and we can get something for them prior to the concert.

Please be aware that this concert is part of the student’s nine weeks grade, and students need to be present and participating to receive the points.  Normally, students are only excused for illness, family emergency, death in the family, or quarantine, all of which require a parent note following the performance.  However, if you would prefer your child not participate in the concert due to the rise in COVID-19 cases in the area, please submit a note or email to their director prior to Monday, December 20th, and we will schedule a performance test with your child to assess their performance of the concert music.


·        All family groups are encouraged to distance themselves from others when sitting in the auditorium.  The first four rows in the front of the auditorium will be roped off to distance from the performing groups.

·        Audience masking will follow the school masking mandates (i.e.  If students are required to mask at school (5 or more active cases), audience will be expected to mask at the concert)

·        If masking is optional for students during the school day, areas will be designated in the auditorium for those wishing to remain masked and social distance from other audience members.

·        As things are in constant flux with regards to COVID cases and masking, we would encourage you to bring a mask to the concert just in case you would need one.

    We are excited to bring these holiday concerts to you in a safe and responsible manner.  We appreciate the support you provide the staff and students throughout the year, and we look forward to seeing you in a few days’ time.  As always, contact your student’s director if you have any questions or concerns.


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