
Showing posts from 2018


The due date for Choir Apparel orders has been extended to tomorrow, Wednesday, December 18th, 2018.  Please make sure all forms are submitted by the end of the day.  All orders should be delivered by the second week of January.  Order form can be found in the students' Google Classroom account, or here: If you are using money from your OCMA Account, The form is here: Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

High School Holiday Concert Wednesday, December 12th

Oil City High School Music Department presents its annual Holiday Concert Wednesday Night, December 12th at 7:30 in the High School Auditorium.  Admission is a canned good or non-perishable food item which we will donate to local food pantries.  Report time for the choir and band is 6:45 PM.  The concert will be live-streamed at:

Information about this week

A Very Busy Week for the Oil City Middle / High School Choirs! Monday, December 10th Leadership Meeting (HS Only - Choirmistresses, Section Leaders, and Assistants) 2:40 pm Apparel orders passed out - due Friday, 12/14 Tuesday, December 11th 8th Grade Chorus Permssion slips for Wednesday’s Performance Due Extra Copies in Google Classroom HS Chorus Dress Rehearsal periods 9 and 10 A Cappella Choir Permission Slips handed out during class for Friday’s Tour - Due back Thursday. Change of Tone and Un4Gettable Performance at Zonta Club Dinner - 6:45 pm Karma Coffee Oil City Wednesday, December 12th 8th Grade Chorus Performance at Good Hope Lutheran Church Dress is Black pants and White top (Men-ties and dress shoes and socks, ladies - tie or scarf, dress shoes) Students will eat lunch at normal time, but will be dismissed at 12:20 to load busses Students will return by the end of their choir period at 1:21 HS Holiday Concert 7:30 pm Admission is a canned good ...


FRANKLIN LIGHT UP NIGHT CONCERT: The Oil City High School Rhapsody in Blues and quartets Change of Tone and Un4Gettable will present a public concert at 4:00 pm tomorrow, Saturday, November 17th at First Presbyterian Church (1250 Elk Street) in Franklin, PA.  The concert is open and free to the public, and is part of the Franklin Light Up Night festivities.  Hot Dogs and Hot Chocolate will be served as part of the event. ANNUAL CHOIR CONCERT AT TRINITY UMC: The Oil City High School Rhapsody in Blues, Women's Choir, and Quartets will present the annual concert at Trinity UMC on Tuesday, November 20th at Noon.  The concert is open and free to the public and will last approximately half an hour.


REMINDERS: Trip payments are due tomorrow (11/16).  If you have a zero or negative balance, you owe nothing for this payment.  Sub pickup is Monday the 19th from 3-5 pm, not Thursday as stated on the trip coupon.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

MS / HS Concert Schedule 2018-2019

Wednesday, December 12th - HS Holiday - 7:30 pm (Admission: Canned Good or Non-Perishable Food Item) Thursday, December 20th - MS Holiday - 7:00 pm (Free Admission) Friday and Saturday, February 22nd and 23rd - HS Musical - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - 7:30 pm ($5 General Admission) March 29th - PMEA Bandfest - OCMS - All Day Friday, April 19th - Night Of A Cappella - 7:30 pm ($2 Admission) Thursday, April 25 to Sunday, April 28th - HS Music Department Trip, Williamsburg, Virginia Tuesday, May 7th - MS Spring Chorus - 7:00 pm (Free Admission) Saturday, May 11th - Swing Out - 7:30 pm ($2 Admission) Tuesday, May 14th - MS Spring Band - 7:00 pm (Free Admission) Wednesday, May 15th - HS Spring Band - 7:30 pm ($2 Admission)

REMINDER: Marianna’s Hoagie Order Due 11/5

REMINDER:  Marianna’s orders and money are due tomorrow (11/5/18) during class.  Checks should be made to OCMA.  Next trip payment for those going will be due 11/16.

Parent Teacher Conferences: Friday, November 9th

As most of your know, Friday, November 9th has been reserved in the school district as parent-teacher conference day. If you would like to schedule a time to meet to discuss your student's progress, questions regarding the general music classes or choirs, or ideas for the program going forward, please feel free to contact me at or 814-676-2771 x.2029 to schedule a 15 minute time slot between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM. As always, I am available for email contact at any time to answer questions or concerns, but this would provide us an opportunity to meet face to face. If you are reading this on social media, please contact the email or phone above, as I don't always receive Facebook Messenger chats or Twitter Posts. Thank you.  Mr. Luxbacher

MS and HS Choirs: Upcoming Dates

Thursday, November 1st - Club's Choice Pickup 3:00 - 5:00 PM OCHS Auditorium (Please note location change) Monday, November 5th - Hoagie Orders are Due to Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright.  Checks made payable to OCMA. Friday, November 9th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM.  Please Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright to schedule a time. Friday, November 16th - Trip Payment ($160) due to Mr. Cartwright or Mr. Luxbacher Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with Questions.
REMINDER:  Trip intent forms due tomorrow, regardless if you are going or not.  Forms are at:

Trip Intent Forms and Change of Pricing for Multiple Students in One Family

OCMA Statements of Account and Trip Intent forms for the 2019 music department trip to Williamsburg, Va went out to the band students grades 8 and above, and to the high school choir members on Wednesday and Thursday last week.  Trip intent forms are due back with down payment to Mr. Cartwright or Mr. Luxbacher by Monday, October 15th.  Students should deduct their current account balance (if applicable) from their down payment before submitting. To help families with multiple students participating in the spring trip, we are lowering the initial down payment to $150 each for those students only, with the difference to be made up in future payments.  Single student families and chaperone down payments remain at $240.  Checks should be made out to the Oil City Music Association. All students in HS Band and Choir, and students in 8th Grade Marching Band and Bandfront should submit a completed trip intent form, regardless of whether or not the student is planni...

Items Due Tomorrow (Monday, October 1)

Just a reminder that Music Theory Assignment 1 is due tonight before 11:59 PM for the 8th Grade Chorus and all HS Choirs.  Also, Club’s Choice Fundraiser orders and money are due by the end of the day Monday.  Checks should be made to OCMA.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Club's Choice Fundraiser Due Monday, October 1st

Just a reminder that the Club's Choice Fundraiser for grades 8-12 is due with payment on Monday, October 1st.  All orders should be in an envelope with the student's name, and include both white and yellow order forms and the money.  Checks should be made out to "Oil City Music Association." INTERNET ORDERS:  People who would like to order non-perishable items online can do so by going to .  School Code for Oil City Music Association is OILC13.  Internet orders will be credited separately, and should not be included on the student order forms. Contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with questions.


Thank you to all of the members of the high school choirs for an excellent pregame performance Friday Night.  It was a great first showing for the groups, and I look forward to the work ahead!  Thank you also to the parents for your flexibility in getting the kids there earlier than first expected.  As we all found out, it was very wise to move everything up.  Enjoy your weekend!


Due to the impending stormy weather Friday Night, the Homecoming Game against DuBois will now begin at 6:00 PM.  Report time for the choir will now be 5:00 PM in the choir room.  The performance will now take place between 5:40 and 5:55 PM, and students will be done by 6:00 PM.  In the event that we would need to postpone the performance, additional emails and posts will be sent by 4:15 PM tomorrow. Unless you receive additional information, please plan to report at the designated time.  Everything else is the same as before.   Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

REMINDER: Homecoming Performance This Week!

This Friday Night, September 21st, is the annual performance of the High School Choirs at the homecoming game.  Report time is 5:45 PM in the high school choir room.  Students in Football, Cheerleading, Band, and working concession stand will meet us at the field.  We will perform at approximately 6:45 at the stadium.  Students will be finished by 7:00, and may stay for the game, or be picked up at the stadium after we perform. Dress: Blue Jeans, Oil City Top.  If you do not have an "Oil City" top, please wear a straight blue, white, or grey top. This is a required performance (35% of the first nine weeks grade).  Please contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Parents: Update your information on Remind and Google Groups!

With the new school year approaching, it is time for parents to update their contact information on our choir email group and Remind contact list.   EMAIL GROUPS: Subscribing to Email Group: Go to the group page you to which you want to subscribe: High School Parent List: Middle School Parent List: NOTE: You will need a gmail account to login.  You can then request membership in the group. Leaving Email Groups: To unsubscribe to the Google Email Groups send an email to: High School Choir Parent List - Middle School Chorus Parent List - REMIND.COM UPDATES: Adding Remind Updates : HS Choir Parents: Text  @hschorpa to 81010 MS Choir Parents: Text  @mschorpa to 81010 Leaving Updates: To leave a ...


Rhapsody in Blues will have their annual retreat Wednesday, August 22nd from 10 am - 2 pm in the Choir Room.  We will be handing out and starting for the coming year.  Pizza lunch will be provided.  All Rhapsodies member should plan to be there.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Congratulations to Un4Gettable!

Today was a lesson in perseverance for Un4Gettable.  At the end of yesterday, our bass, Katie, started showing the early signs of laryngitis.  We hoped and prayed that throughout the day today, Katie would get better, but it was not to be.  While many other quartets would have withdrawn, even at the last minute, we knew that there were many people who helped us get here, so the girls battened down and did their best to perform their package at the highest level they could, and Mrs Wrhen and I couldn’t be prouder.  It has always been our motto that “The show must go on, and these girls did that today in spades.  The audience was extremely gracious, and the National President of Sweet Adeline’s even took time out to talk to the ladies and praise their efforts.  Today the teacher was taught a lesson on what it means to be dedicated, even in the face of adversity.  I am confident that given the opportunity to compete again, they will show that perseveranc...

For those who might be interested in watching tonight’s competition, Un4Gettable will perform at 5 EST with the festival Chorus, then they compete at 6:14 EST. You can watch it here:

For those who might be interested in watching tonight’s competition, Un4Gettable will perform at 5 EST with the festival Chorus, then they compete at 6:14 EST. You can watch it here: — Oil City Choirs (@OCChoirs) August 10, 2018

Un4Gettable to Compete at International Rising Star Competition Today!

Best Wishes today to Un4Gettable as they compete today at the Sweet Adeline’s International Rising Star Contest in Tulsa, OK! 

Rhapsody in Blues and Men's Quartet Results 2018-2019

First of all, THANK YOU for auditioning.   Lots of great voices who stuck their necks out to try out for the group.   The results are posted below.   Thank you so much for your work in preparing for the auditions. RHAPSODY IN BLUES: 2018-19 YOU WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR ACTIVITY 10 TH PERIOD WITH ME FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.   FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES – YOU WILL BE WITH US WHEN YOU ARE NOT SCHEDULED FOR LITERATURE/BIO/ALGEBRA LAB. RHAPSODIES RETREAT: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 ND 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. MAKE PLANS NOW TO BE THERE!!! SOPRANOS: Lindsey Crabtree Emily Gates Layla Hollis Lizzy Hoovler Shanay Jackson Chloe Terwilliger Alex Webster ALTOS: Courtney Crabtree Emily Downing Katlyn Emick Aisha Jackson Kieara Kenniston Arianna Knox Morgan Rankin Cassidy Webb TENORS: Micah Burkett Alex Dobson Katie Fye Mason Stephens BASSES: Christian Connors Lorin DeGroat Josh Glass Brandon Huff MEN’S QUARTET 2018-19 Mic...

Music Department - Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, May 23rd: Hoagie Pickup 3-5 pm in the HS Cafeteria Friday May 25th: Rhapsody in Blues Performance at Venango Christian Women's Association Luncheon - Noon at Cross Creek Friday, May 25th: Final Exam Recordings Due for HS Choirs Saturday, May 26th: HS Music Department Trip to Cedar Point (Report time 5:45 AM, Depart 6:00 AM, return 11:30 PM) Tuesday, May 29th: Music Department Picnic 5:00 pm - OCMS Picnic Pavillion Awards at 5:00 pm Dinner immediately following MS, Freshmen, Junior Parents - Bring a Dessert Sophomore, Senior Parents - Bring a Side Dish Chicken, Drinks, and Tableware Provided May 29th - May 31st: Live Finals for HS Choirs During Choir Class Friday, June 1st:  All bonus concert reviews are due by midnight June 1st and 4th: Rhapsody in Blues Auditions During Choir Classes Monday, June 4th: Men's Quartet Auditions Period 10 to 3:10 pm Thursday, June 7th: HS Baccalaureate (Senior Choir) Report Time 5:15 pm Friday, June...

Swing Out Court 2018

Congratulations to the 2018 Swing Out Court!!! Queen Candidates : Nicole Anthony Annie Lenze Jenna Loll Annamarie Owoc Elsa Tovar Abby Yeager King Candidates: Sidney Cubbon Tyler Hare Truman Littler Shane Ruby Jacob Schwab Shane Whitling The 2018 Swing Out King and Queen will be Crowned at the 71st Swing Out, on Saturday, May 12th at the Oil City High School Auditorium.  Concert begins at 7:30 pm, and tickets are $2 at the door.

Upcoming Dates

Marianna's Fundraiser Due Dates (Grade 8-12): Tuesday, May 1st: Orders are due for students who are going on the Cedar Point Trip and would like to use the profits from the fundraiser to pay for their trip.  Orders must be in by 3:15 this day. Friday, May 4th: Orders due for everybody else by 3:15 pm Wednesday, May 23rd: Hoagie pickup 3:00-5:00 pm in HS Cafeteria Concert Dates: Friday, May 4th: Rhapsody in Blues at Youth Philanthropy Talent Show (report time 6:45 pm) Tuesday, May 8th: MS Chorus Concert 7:00 pm (Free Admission - report time for choruses: 6:30 pm) Saturday, May 12th: HS Swing Out 7:30 pm ($2 Admission - report time for choirs 7:00 pm) Tuesday, May 15th: MS Band Concert 7:00 pm (Free Admission - report time TBA) Wednesday, May 16th: HS Band Concert 7:30 pm ($2 Admission - report time TBA) Contact Mr. Luxbacher with Questions.

Oil City Middle and High School Choirs

The newest addition to our choir room. Ceiling tile art made by Kira Doutt, Class of 2019. Alums - note the saying at the bottom.

Choir Apparel Sale

We will be taking orders for Choir T-Shirts, Hoodies, and Varsity Jackets starting today and going until Monday, March 5th.  Prices are: $7.00 T-Shirts S-XL ($8 for 2XL, $9 for 3XL) $17.00 Hoodies S-XL ($19 for 2XL, $21 for 3XL) $255 for Varsity Jackets S-XL ($260 for 2XL, $265 for 3XL) Checks should be made out to OCASD.  Order form is here: Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

Un4Gettable Heading to Internationals!

Congratulations to Un4Gettable, Oil City High School’s Women’s Quartet, who qualified this weekend to compete as Region 17’s representative in the Sweet Adeline’s International Young Women in Harmony Rising Star Contest at the regional competition this weekend in Huron, OH. The quartet will be traveling to Tulsa, Oklahoma this August to compete on the international stage. Congratulations to quartet members Courtney Crabtree, Shanay Jackson, Lindsey Crabtree, and Katie Fye!

REMINDER: Choir Pictures Tomorrow

Thursday, February 8th will be Choir Picture Day during class.  Forms were sent out last week, and can be found on the choir blog.  Please bring forms and payment (made out to Jim Ellis Photography) when you come to class for pictures.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.

HS Choir Picture Day this Thursday!

Jim Ellis from Jim Ellis Photography will be in this Thursday to take group and individual shots of the High School Choirs and their members during their choir period.  Students who normally wear hooded sweatshirts to school should have a shirt on under it for this day so they can remove the hoodie before putting on their choir robe.  Students should have brought home a form last week with the pricing and information.  If you need another copy, there are links to both sides of the form at the bottom of this posting.  Please fill out the form and enclose in an envelope with payment (Checks need to be made out to Jim Ellis Photography), and submit on photo day.  Contact Mr. Luxbacher with any questions. Page 1: Page 2:

District Chorus 2018

Congratulations to Lindsey Crabtree, Sid Cubbon, Katie Fye, Shanay Jackson, Truman Littler, Josh Masters, and Brentley Moffett, who participated in the PMEA District 3 Chorus Festival this weekend at DuBois High School. All students performed well, and Lindsey, Shanay, Sid, Katie, and Truman were selected to participate in the Region II Chorus Festival, to be held at McDowell HS in March.

Jr. High District Chorus 2018

Twenty Two students from Oil City Middle and High Schools participated in the first ever District 3 Jr. High Chorus Festival, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association at the Barrow Civic Theatre on January 15th. Students participating included: (front to back, l to r) Mason Stephens, Claudia Vorse, Emily Gates, Lizzy Hoovler, Chloe Terwilliger, Ryan Retzer, Lillie Heise, Tori McClelland, Layla Hollis, Alex Dobson, Ariana Knox, Natalie Holloway, Alex Webster, Bailey McMahon, Sarah Fisher, Cassidy Webb, Ariela Swem, Hannah Krug, Nate Baker, Emily Downing, Haley Myers, and Emily Bly. Guest conductors were Dr. Ryan Beeken and Dr. Craig Denison from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. The festival was hosted as a joint venture between PMEA, the Oil City Area School District (Martha Heise), and the Barrow Civic Theatre (Zach Covington).