Choirmaster Auditions

Interviews for Choirmaster/Choirmistress for Concert, Women's, and A Cappella Choir will take place the week of November 11th.  Interested parties should reserve a time with Mr. Luxbacher sometime during that week.  Available times are 4th period Thursday, 6th period, and 10th period.

Interviews will consist of singing a selection of the concert music a cappella (Alma Mater), conducting a piece of recorded (Set Me As A Seal) and live music (National Anthem), as well as answering a few interview questions.  It should not take any longer than 10-15 minutes.

Final Results should be ready by Friday, November 15th.

Position Description:
The position of student choirmaster/mistress will be decided by an  audition/interview process, in which students will demonstrate their ability to conduct, sing, and successfully answer questions regarding leadership. One Choirmaster/Mistress will be chosen for each choir.  Student Choirmasters/mistresses will be responsible for leading warm-up and rehearsal, as assigned by the director.  Exceptional students may be asked to conduct a piece for public performance.  The choirmaster/mistress from A Cappella Choir will stand as an officer of the High School Music Club.


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