
Showing posts from January, 2020

Jr. District Chorus 2020

Congratulations to Breanna Hartsell, Olivia Vorae, Hannah Krug, Bridget Hulsizer, Catryna Baker, and Trevor Gutowski, who represented Oil City Middle and High Schools at the  PMEA District 3 Jr. High Chorus held Monday, January 20th at Punxsutawney High School.

District Chorus 2019

Congratulations to Micah Burkett, Courtney Crabtree, Lorin DeGroat, Alex Dobson, Katie Fye, Emily Gates, Layla Hollis, Brandon Huff, Roman Hulver, Josh Masters, Logan Peterson, Mason Stephens, John Vogus, and Cassidy Webb, who represented Oil City well at the PMEA District 3 Choral Festival this weekend at United High School.  8 of these students chaired high enough to be selected for the Region Chorus Festival, which will be held next month at Corry High School.