Congratulations to Un4Gettable!

Today was a lesson in perseverance for Un4Gettable.  At the end of yesterday, our bass, Katie, started showing the early signs of laryngitis.  We hoped and prayed that throughout the day today, Katie would get better, but it was not to be.  While many other quartets would have withdrawn, even at the last minute, we knew that there were many people who helped us get here, so the girls battened down and did their best to perform their package at the highest level they could, and Mrs Wrhen and I couldn’t be prouder.  It has always been our motto that “The show must go on, and these girls did that today in spades.  The audience was extremely gracious, and the National President of Sweet Adeline’s even took time out to talk to the ladies and praise their efforts.  Today the teacher was taught a lesson on what it means to be dedicated, even in the face of adversity.  I am confident that given the opportunity to compete again, they will show that perseverance again, hopefully with everyone healthy.  Thank you to those who helped us to get here, and who continue to support our efforts.


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