Senior Spotlight - Kate Fye

Over the course of the next month, we will take some time to recognize and thank our Oil City High School Choir Seniors for their hard work and dedication to this program. Many of these students started in 7th grade, and have continued to sing throughout their Middle School and High School Careers. We thank them for their service, and we wish them well in their future endeavors.

Our next featured senior is Swing Out Queen and National Choral Award Winner Katie Fye.  She is the daughter of Beth and Stephen Fye.  She has been a six year member of choir, and an eight year member of band.  During that time she has also been a member of Marching Band, where she was Drum Major this past season, Rhapsody in Blues, Jazz Band, Women's Quartet (where she competed in two international Sweet Adelines Competitions), Pep Band, and Musical.  In addition, she has also performed in District Band and Chorus, Region Chorus, Mercyhurst Honors Band, and has served as Choir Mistress of A Cappella and Treble Choir.  In the fall, Katie will be attending Youngstown State University to pursue a career in Music Education.  She would like to think her mom for being there for her, going to every concert, and supporting her through the tough times, and her dad for believing in her that she will succeed. She would also like to thank her siblings and friends for being there for her in any way they could and for having to listen to some of her worst performances. Lastly, she would like to thank her teachers for helping her prepare for college, her life, and for inspiring her to become someone who inspires others.


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