MS Band and Chorus Concert will be INSIDE TONIGHT!!!

Due to the prospect of inclement weather, we have decided to move the MS Band and Chorus tonight indoors to the High School Gymnasium. Concert will still start at 6:30 PM. To review:

  • Report Time 6:00 PM in Auditorium for band and choir members. Parents - please drop your students off at the auditorium doors (1st entrance to the MS/HS Complex), then go to the second entrance to park by the HS Gym.
  • Seating in the high school gymnasium will be limited to 3 tickets per choir/band member. Students received tickets today in class. EVERYONE MUST PRESENT A TICKET TO ENTER.
  • We are limited to 346 attendees in the gymnasium, along with the band and choir.
  • All attendees will need to be masked at all times. 
  • Families should keep 6 feet of distance between themselves and other audience members.
Please contact Mr. Luxbacher or Mr. Cartwright with any questions.


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