For those of you who are returning in the fall and joining us in the high school choirs, you are invited to audition for the Rhapsody in Blues and our Barbershop Quartets. Rhapsody in Blues is our contemporary A Cappella ensemble, and will meet during the 10th period next year. Quartets are just that - 4 singers. We have a men's and a women's group. Those groups will meet after school.

Currently, we have openings in all parts for the Rhapsodies, and three out of the four parts in the quartets. This would be a great time for you to start with these groups. For the Rhapsodies Audition, I am going to ask you to sing about a minute to a minute and a half of a song you like to sing a cappella. What I am looking for is if you can sing strongly, and hold the pitch, as well as have a sense of steady beat. You can either stop down to the choir room and do it live before the end of the day on Monday, June 7th, or send me a video recording over email (sluxbacher@mail.ocasd.org).

For the quartets, I am going to call a meeting for Monday, June 7th right after school (2:40 - 3:15 PM). We will see who is interested, and there will be an easy tag (end of a song) to learn. We will set a date for auditions, and you will audition with other possible members of the group to see who blends best.

I hope that you will consider auditioning to become part of these groups. While it is a time commitment, it's a lot of fun as well.

Contact Mr. Luxbacher with questions.


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